old dog's Profile

old dog's Posts

Re: Good analyse /price of bitumen dropped to $52/bbl

You are really stretching things to draw the conclusions you have based on the use of one or two words. but enjoy your speculation - at least it is better than your whining. YOur facts are now as suspect as your opinions.

over 12 years ago
Re: Peters & Co value CLL at $1 to $1.65

The sale of a failure for money by Petrobank should serve to enhance the value of Connacher's properties because SAGd and SAGd plus work. You got it backwards, noble leader!

over 12 years ago
Re: Peters & Co value CLL at $1 to $1.65

Peters have been negative on CLl from day one - their analyst does not understand finance - he is a Ca looking backward instead of a forwardlooking person. His recent target was $0.30 and a sell recommendaiton. Why would anyone want to listen to his drivel?

over 12 years ago
Re: Peters & Co value CLL at $1 to $1.65

Rebecca is more savvy than the RBC analysts freeze-em and roach - aptly named.

over 12 years ago
Re: Good analyse made

Sharky - you blatantly demonstrate you know little of finance - CLl has no liquidity or financial issues, especially with bitumen selling above $70 per barrel and netbacks with the benefit of the refinery above $60 per barrel which means even at say 14,000 bbl.d the company's monthly ebitda would bein excess of $25 mm per month or close to $300 mm annualized. They are also hedged and the refinery is a hedge against lower bitumenprices as it makes more money the lower the price of heavy oil goes. They only have the debenture to pay off and have surplus cash to conduct their 2012 program and are positioned to finance their grwoth internally in my view.

Where the idea of expandign the refinery comes from is anyone's guess.

As far as the rest of the speculation, only time wil tell if your reported interpretation of the night of the long knives is correct.

Connacher is underapprecaited and undervalued and the market is starting to wake up to that fact. Stick around to see some real fireworks in next few months is my view.

over 12 years ago
Re: make or break?

Goldman's job is to maximize shareholder value - there is no problem with the debt - it is due in 20198 and 2019 and interest only until then. Read a book on finance or accounting.

over 12 years ago
old dog
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