oceang1's Profile

oceang1's Posts

Re: Opt-in

I recv'd a letter from Delna also requesting statements again to clarify my accts.

We should hear something soon.

almost 8 years ago
Re: value

Might as well round this out. Scottrade shows 0 also.

about 8 years ago
It's not just agreements for the Gold

Happy Sunday.

I just saw this article regarding the announcement to GRZ for the mining rights. It looks like Vz now has multiple contracts for different kinds of mining (gold, diamonds, ore, etc). See attached for more details


Enjoy the rest of the weekend. GO HEAT !!

over 8 years ago
Re: Crystallex Updates Stakeholders

I agree that the payout value of our shares would be much better than what we're going to get but how can anyone even trust Fung after what he's done in the past couple years to all of the shareholders. He's probably locked in and obligated with Tenor and the others.

over 8 years ago
GRZ - Paris Court date 11-3-15


Has anyone heard anything regarding GRZ and the court date 11-3-15 in Paris. The following is from a 6/18/15 update announcement that GRZ had put out. Its on their website.

Gold Reserve’s President Doug Belanger stated: “We have already addressed the arguments raised byVenezuela in the context of its applications to annul

the Award that will be heard by the Paris Court of Appeal on November 3, 2015 and, therefore, we are confident that they lack merits and that the Company will prevail, as it always has, since the inception of the

arbitration proceedings. As for the request to stay enforcement pending the outcome of the proceedings before the Paris Court of Appeal, we strongly

believe that the fact that the Paris Court of Appeal refused, last January, that very same request by Venezuela will weigh in favor of the District Court

refusing to order a stay. Moreover, the New York Convention, which applies to these proceedings, provides that the court may order that suitable security

be given by Venezuela as a condition for the stay, so, in any event, Venezuela should not be able to escape its obligation to pay.

almost 9 years ago
Sunrise, FL
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