noway's Profile

My lucky luke : lucky to have a family lucky to be healthy lucky to be canadian lucky to be young lucky to have freedom lucky to own a home lucky to own shares lucky to have a job lucky to speak & write in english, en francais y en espanol lucky to travel my Daltons are: pumpers, bashers short sellers, & miningjunkie

noway's Posts

New LOM plan Detour Lake Mine Feb 6,2014

Highlights (Published Feb. 6th , 2014)

The new LOM plan for the Detour Lake mine calls for annual gold production to average 660koz at total cash costs of US$657/oz over a 21.7-year mine life. We estimate the Detour Lake mine yields a DCF valuation of C$3.4b (C$22.71/share) using a 5% discount rate and US$1,338/oz gold price over the life of the asset based on our somewhat more conservative estimates.

over 10 years ago
Re: The news - $150 million bought deal offering

I agree.....just hope the gold stays above 1300 level!

over 10 years ago

History doesn't I changed my strategy with NOT..looking forward!

almost 14 years ago
Re: Let’s hope we don’t get burned by this Ring of Fire

Premier Dalton McGuinty is promising some relief for northern Ontario in Thursday's budget.

McGuinty wouldn't go into detail about the exact measures northerners can look forward to, but says they will go beyond anything announced in the throne speech.

So far, the government has promised to develop a massive chromite deposit known as the Ring of Fire in the James Bay area, but has said little else about how it plans to help a section of the province that has for years been battered by job losses.

McGuinty's announcement comes as the Progressive Conservatives released their ideas for helping Ontario's economy — a 10-point plan that includes creating jobs in northern Ontario.

McGuinty says the only thing behind his announcement is a desire to be fair and take a look at the needs of an area that has been hard-hit in key sectors like forestry.

NDP Leader Andrea Horwath says it's about time the government came up with some sort of plan for the north, but adds this attempt will likely be seen by northerners as a last-ditch attempt by Liberals to show they care about communities they have ignored for years.

Read more:

over 14 years ago
Re: Native Blockade?

Some folks saw the movie "Avator" & relate it to reality . I'm sure that this will past and we'll be back in business. We all can benefit from the ring of fire!

over 14 years ago
halt- deal reached with Cliff?

Is it a possibilty that a deal was made with Cliff & Noront concerning Fwr?

almost 15 years ago
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