notsrobert's Profile

notsrobert's Posts

Re: Do not Tender Your Shares

You are right...We CAN defeat NN and CLF! NOT tendering and doing nothing IMO is the best course of action! CLF will up the bid!

about 14 years ago
Re: There is no vote! need more claification Snug / Cyl / hoov/ kh.......

"There is no way to band together to defeat the offer."

Folks the above statement written by hoov is a misleading statement! We CAN band together by NOT tendering our shares or selling for .19 per share. Any shares that are tendered only cause the GAME to be over faster and at a lower share price than what could be realized. So please hold tight to your shares. I have seen this played out a few times and have NEVER lost money by holding out.

about 14 years ago
Re: Name change ROF

You have that right!

about 14 years ago
Hold your shares!

I have gone through a few buyouts before....NOT ONCE did I lose money by holding out til the game was over. The game is NOT over!!!!!!!!!!!!

about 14 years ago
Add my 1000 shares FOR R. N.

I've watched this message board for quite a while but never registered. Today I thought it was important to join this message board to show my support


Richard Nemis

almost 16 years ago
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