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Re: Buy because I'm always Wrong - TenSleep

Ten Sleep,

I don't know if you can afford to hang on to some of your remaining shares and just ignore the day to day grind for a couple of years, but if you can - it may be worth hanging onto a few.

It will be quite a long time before we hear any drilling news from Aussieland or from Hungary and even longer for anything from S.A., so the share price gets pushed relentlessly down as many can't wait for such long periods of time. However, Falcon is probably the lowest priced penny stock in the world that has claims to more deep natural gas than any other speculative play in the world. At some point - we will see some good drilling results, and then there will be others like Hess that want a portion of what Falcon controls. A billion dollar market cap is not out of the question for Falcon, but it will take time before Hess or any other partner proves up some of the vast gas reserves that Falcon has wisely gained control of.

Regards, Paul

almost 13 years ago

Questions on Management Discussion. The report says that Hess has 10,000,000 warrants to purchase Falcon stock until 2015 at 19 cents each - is this for the parent company or for Falcon Australia?? I would think that at 19 cents it must be for the parent company as the Falcon Australia stock was being offered at around $1 orginally I beleive. If it is for the parent company, that 10 million is not a significant dilution, but if the warrants are for Falcon Australia, how much would Falcon's share of the Beetaloo be reduced beyond the 62.5% that Hess is getting already??

Regards, Paul

almost 13 years ago
Re: House Positions

Thanks John for the house positions.

It is not surprising to see GMP still in there selling the most like usual, but a little gratifying to know they just missed out on about $500,000 from the previous 10,000,000 shares they dumped at 12.5 cents!!

Regards, Paul

almost 13 years ago
Re: South Africa invokes "fracking" moratorium in Karoo - Tensleep

I also sold a few yesterday as well to buy a few more gold shares- when I saw Scotia with some fairly big sells going through. It may not be an indication of anything, but I was surprised to see their brokerhouse on the sell side (instead of the buy side) so shortly after the Karoo news. However, those few shares they sold don't put a dent in the millions that have been purchased over the past six months through Scotia brokerage (maybe for Ruby Blue??). Regards Paul

over 13 years ago
Re: So now you know - John

Nice to see that you have newly found faith :)

It tends to get lost every year or so :)

This latest PP with all the existing players, (including the directors throwing in real $$ for a change) putting in enough new cash reserves to move us forward is probably the best news I have heard in the past very difficult year and half.

Regards Paul

over 13 years ago
Re: So now you know - Marco

Marco - you have been brainwashed over time by John. I certainly don't want your shares as I have enough of my own that I have been hanging onto over a number of years now and have always been able to buy more for less pennies every time I buy them, which has been one of the great things about Falcon - they are always cheaper the next day, so no I wouldn't want yours!

over 13 years ago
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