nosenothing1942's Profile

nosenothing1942's Posts

Re: New Jersey Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America

Just goes to show you what happens with a Republican governor is in charge

over 9 years ago
the response

Company statement on recognizing revenue.... The Company has only recently commenced receiving patent license revenue. The Company recognizes revenue from patent license agreements when (i) the patent license agreement is executed, (ii) the amounts due are fixed, determinable, and billable, (iii) the customer has been provided rights to the licensed technology and (iv) collection of the resulting receivable, if any, is probable. At the time the Company enters into a contract and provides the customer with the licensed technology the Company has performed all of its obligations under contract, the rights to the Company's technology have been transferred and no significant performance obligations remain. License revenue to date consists of one-time fully paid-up licenses requiring no future performance. The Company will value nonexclusive cross licenses received only if directly used in operations.

over 10 years ago
Re: Apple suit

NDA is an agreement by both sides not one side. This settlement was not done in a vacuum. People talk and their friends trade on inside info all the time especially if the amount was large.

almost 11 years ago
Apple suit

IMO, there is no earth shattering agreement. I believe the volume and share price reflect that. Every time the NDA has been incorporated it has meant small amounts.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Must be global warming

and the world is flat..thank goodness for the Repubbies

almost 11 years ago
Re: anyone know for sure who pays for our attorneys?

First of all, we pay our attorney fees. A seperate motion and hearing with a court order would be required for the other side to pay. I doubt there will be any dividends until a lot of settlements are in especially after this low amount which has to be solit up amongest the parties. Even after the interest is compilied in the amount PTSC receives will be just enough to pay the electric,the gardner and maybe some postage. The key to this is and when we attack the other companies and all the other products. The negative is that other companies have seenthe amount of damages.

almost 11 years ago
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