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Re: seems like more assets are going to be in play

"Chart shows we were at 26 cents 10 months ago. Am I missing something here?"

Yes - the ability to count backwards from August 7th for 10 months and get the right share price.



about 9 years ago
Re: seems like more assets are going to be in play

True but theres a million reasons to sell, just one reason to buy.



about 9 years ago
Re: seems like more assets are going to be in play

Perhaps hh you and smitty could at least learn to read a one year price/volume chart? Perhaps while your both doing that you can try and figure out whose been buying (and why) the millions of shares that have traded over the last ten months.



about 9 years ago
Re: seems like more assets are going to be in play

Yes smitty is missing something and so are you...

Firstly the post by disorsk was about selling an undervalued asset (CUU) at fire sale prices, (at a price where most here are wayyyy underwater) to buy other fire sale undervalued assets.

You and smitty and disorsk don't get the fact that CUU, considering all it has and whats coming is a very undervalued asset.

You have never been a fan of CXM and CUU's involvement. But why is it speculation? I can read a map, I talked with CXM management I know where the 50 some historical holes are and I know where they are twinning. This is all public knowledge, as is the fact historics were never counted etc etc etc. Public knowledge, I'd be willing to bet we see at least a double in the resource numbers, perhaps a lot more. Maybe you need to be a bit more of an expert.



about 9 years ago
Re: seems like more assets are going to be in play

"Am I missing something here?"




about 9 years ago
Re: seems like more assets are going to be in play

I'm extremely happy with the way CUU has performed since Oct 2014. Tough market yet CUU delivered a triple. And the next run could very well be the one that gets a positive production decision from Teck and a huge new resource number and a new model for Eaglehead from CXM. Yes, over the last 10 mos CUU has done well and, imo will continue to do well.

Again it isn't Elmers job to sell CUU cheap just so you can move on.



about 9 years ago
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