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Re: Petro Frontier and Falcon Oil -- patchhand et al

I am generally posting to the LSE board these days, but having been an owner of Petrofrontier, (and also losing a little money on that one like Patchhand), I thought it worthwhile to post a reply to patchhands comments. The comparison of the Beetaloo work plan and Statoil's unsuccessful drilling in the Georgina Basin are not even remotely similar.

There are allot of differences between the Statoil objectives in the Georgina Basin and what Origin has planned for the Beetaloo. Statoil was going after oil specifically in the Georgina Basin - where permeability would need to much higher to get conventional and non-conventional thick oil flowing - than was found in the couple of test wells drilled there.

In the Beetaloo - Philip has known from the Hess seismic results, and from the Shenandoah #1 well - that natural gas is going to be far more prolific and much easier to flow (from the Velkerri formation) than oil ever will be. That is why the JV license with Origin and Sasol was very specifically written to mandate that gas in the Velkerri would be the main target of the first nine wells. It is also the reason that Inpex picked up Falcon's left over lands to the West of the Falcon properties with the view to developing gas for the LNG plant in Darwin. It is also gas that Santos is going after with their successful test well results from the Velkerri formation just to the Northeast of the main Beetaloo Basin.

over 9 years ago
Re: Soly's message - SOLY take a look in the mirror

"So now we have a "tool" asking about his emloyer's (a backroomboy) stock maneuvering.


Hey SOLY, you can "laugh your axx off" all the time now, as I am going to do what you want and stop posting my conversations with Philip, my research, and my thoughts on Falcon.

You need to look in the mirror Soly - as you are the only "Tool" on this board - a useful Tool to be sure at times, but an ignorant opinionated one as well - with no foundations in reality. I have been a Falcon shareholder far too many years to count and have never been what you call a backroom boy or worked for one, but you continually denigrate anyone with opinions other than your own!

I have had enough, so you win - as I will stop all posts on YOUR board. Good luck to everyone else on this board.

over 9 years ago
Re: House Positions - Question Soly on Clarus House Position

Soly, not sure if your House Position data would show when and how many shares Clarus purchased of Falcon in the past, but I have noticed that Clarus has been driving the share price down over the past month. I don't remember seeing Clarus as a big purchaser of Falcon shares over the past year, but could be mistaken, so wanted to know if your data would show when Clarus was a purchaser and at what price range? Thanks.

over 9 years ago
Re: Inpex doing some exploring in Falcon's backyard - oilmaninvestor


Inpex might have gotten a look in the Data Room when Philip was looking for a Hess replacement, but then again I am not sure that Inpex did. I asked Philip about Inpex as a logical JV partner - when he was last in Vancouver for a ProActive presentation - as I had mentioned on the board here a couple of times that I thought Inpex would make a great JV partner for the Beetaloo. Philip told me at that time that he didn't want Inpex as a JV partner in the Beetaloo, but rather would look to Inpex as a buyer of Falcon's 30% interest in the Beetaloo when the gas was flowing and the reserves proven. If Inpex was our JV partner and owned 70% of the overall rights - then they may not be in any hurry to pick up the remaining 30% - if Inpex's 70% of the Beetaloo was producing so much gas that they just didn't need to buyout Falcon's remaining 30% anytime soon.

Philip's thinking was brilliant in doing the JV with Origin and Sasol - as either of these two multi-billion dollar companies may want to buy out Falcon's interest when the reserves are proven. However, if Sasol or Origin doesn't buy out Falcon's interest then Philip would have another multi-billion dollar company with a massive LNG plant in Darwin that would need to get it's hands on all the gas reserves it possibly could.

Now, Inpex has decided to reach out and spend millions of $$ on the periphery of Falcon's holdings - buying up a land position that Falcon, Origin and Sasol were acceptable to relingquish - just to have some sort of hand into the Beetaloo's reserves. I think the odds are now even better that Falcon has by far the better land holdings and stronger long term position in the Beetaloo.

over 9 years ago
Re: Inpex doing some exploring in Falcon's backyard - oilmaninvestor

Just a quick follow up on the Inpex land holdings. I crossed checked the charts for Falcon, Inpex and Paltar and the new Inpex holdings are solely from the property that Falcon relinguished back to the Northern Territories and is not part of Bruner's "Paltar" holdings. I would think that Bruner will have to do some exploration work fairly soon on his properties to the south west of the Falcon properties or the Paltar exploration license could be lost back to the government. In reviewing the maps of Falcon's modified land position it is interesting to note that Falcon drew the new boundary to include a large extension to the West of the sweet spot so that all of the so called sweet spot for the Beetaloo is still entirely in the Falcon land holdings.

over 9 years ago
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