newfalbertan's Profile

newfalbertan's Posts

Our Norwegian friends

My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to our Norwegian friends on this board. Another terrible example of intolerance, racism, and hatred , and where it can lead us.

God bless you .

about 13 years ago
Re: Fracking

Both Fortierville and Ste Gertrude are located in unstructured areas of the fairway.

Rates therefore are expected to be similar to Gentilly. Based on 250 mcf per frac and assuming all 8 fracs are effective , this would result in 2MMcf/d . I don't believe this would have a dramatic effect on the stock price as it would only fulfill expectations. I don't foresee any dramatic upside until ( if ) the Quebec government ok's the development .

I'm thinking another 3 or 4 years before we could hit $ 4.00 again. I sold half my position when it hit $4.00 originally. Obviously , in retrospect , I should have sold all but that's the nature of Investing ( speculation). So like most I am hanging on. What we need is another result like St Edouard which would result in dramatic movement.

Have a great day.

over 13 years ago
Qec valuation

Today I posted on the other board what I think is a fair evaluation of QEC. It's too much trouble to type it again and I don't know how to transfer it. If you're interested you can look it up.( or not)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all posters.

over 13 years ago

The millions of shares traded was related to Qec being dropped from the index. The same thing happened when it was added in june 2010.

Qec's announcement of a share buyback probably had two purposes:

1) To help offset the negative impact of being dropped from the index.

2) they hope to buy at 1.30-1.40 now. When they need another financing in a year or two they hope to sell the issue at $3.00-$5.00.

So , if you can buy at $1.30 and sell at say $4.00 , its not a bad strategy.

It'll be really interesting to see how the stock reacts in the new year when tax loss selling is finished and the stock buybacks begin sometime after the 22nd. Then in the spring we hope to see the results of the two horizontal wells and positive news from BAPE.

I'm willing to wait. After all, the downside is limited from here and the upside remains in place.

almost 14 years ago
Bnn The Close

I noticed on Bnn that Joseph Schacter mentioned Questerre as one of his small cap picks in the natural gas sector.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Our valuation is almost free now...


NICE TO SEE YOU POSTING ON THIS SITE. We don't have as much b.s. as the other site. It looks to me like Brym's valuation did not include the 4 and one quarter % overriding royalty on the Talisman acreage. This is worth a considerable amount.

Thank you and Brym for your informative posts.


almost 14 years ago
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