neverland's Profile

neverland's Posts

where are we heading to?

Can anyone tell me.

where are we heading to?

pps keep going south .$%^%$f^&%&*^*(&^%u^%^((&*&%c%#^&%&k*%*&

about 14 years ago
How disappointed

ppl talking about $1 or $2 stock all morning and afternoon and I can see the RED.

I had been there @#$#^%$^&%&^$^%#

there he goes is all I can say now.

about 14 years ago
Re: I may have plenty, but, I bought more shares today.eom

That's how I became a bagholder.

about 14 years ago
Re: It's confirmed! This is what we own!

Everyone has been telling that great story for long long time but current stock price

does not reflect the real value of our great company .

That is what make me frustrated. .... holding since 1999.

about 14 years ago

stock act like a local flea market in the middle of nowhere, only local know about it.

look at the price difference between bid and ask.

I do not like the spread but I liked little butter spread on my bagel this morning.

about 14 years ago
just heard news about 336

told my wife about it and she shouts at me.

" still hold PTSC stock? I though you sold all @ around $1.50..."

"I did ..........................only ..only .... just ....little.."

"and still holding most of them"

she is not going to talk to me for a while...................

good news and bad news..

about 14 years ago
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