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naturalgold's Posts

Re: This is insane. yep it sure is

"i know at the end of the day we will be somewhere between 5 and 100 bucks"

i too would love to know the reason for this wild assomption.

over 13 years ago
Re: Cat and Mouse

it seems to me that everyone is just a little frustrated with the chute of sp.when the release of something significant doesnt occur these things are to be expected.jmo.Nobody has anyone to blame here or anything to prove,and Skier we all know about bashers,manipulators and such and such aswell as how they work,However thank you for the intel i didnt know about the groups(organisations),anyways for those of you who didn't buy at .60 and up this would be a great buying opportunity i really don't see the sp going any lower that .14 cents at this point and if thats wat you're waiting for to buy then good luck but you might just miss it.

I personnaly could not frown on anyone who decides to relinquish their shares due to impatience,it's normal but don't start passing judgement and searching for possible targets to execute your blame.Everybody here is responsible for their own investments,if you want to get greedy and you lose take your lost like a man(or woman).And if you just so happen to have made a few bucks then simply humble yourself.The stock market is juss a big gamble like the casino imo,the only difference is,your chances of winning is greater when you're level of knowledge on the matter is elevated...

im not saying you're stupid if you lose your money but you'll learn next time.most of gnh major sp movements were due to them pumpers if you like but i just think people got overconfident over attached and lost track of reality and that is that the price could go down at anytime if proper measures are not undergone to keep it up.

Honnestly i think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion GNH is not the only junior gold mining company on the market.ok some might have lost a couple thousand take that lost like a man and invest in something that could put you back in the green.common now

good luck to all


over 13 years ago
Re: GNH is an investment over a few years

i partially agree with you.however although gnh is a long term play you can't just tell people to be happy and enjoy losing money.even if it is a long term investment i don't think anyone would appreciate a 50% decrease in share price within a time frame of a week.Dont take this the wrong way,no bashing intented,i own some gnh an havent sold any shares yet but my eyes are open for new lows could never be too cautious.Just because you're in it for the long run doesnt mean u have to be willing to lose all your money.

just my opinion.

good luck to all


over 13 years ago
Re: Steady rise continues

as we have witness people tend to get overpassionnate and overhyped based on just that..hype.I'm sure you're right and management is currently excited about the future release of something special,i myself have been patiently awaiting the arrival of such news and have held on to all my shares,however im always prepared to to hear the worst which is partially the reason i won't buy anymore than necessary....for now


over 13 years ago
Re: Steady rise continues

It should clean up is what should be said.

the thing is im hanging on to all my shares and not letting go until all delayed assays present themselves,when this happens i will proceed to assess the situation and evaluate wether or not this company is worth keeping my money in.I still see great potential here(which explains my presence) but as i always say numbers dont lie but the person who did the math could be wrong,the share price is not down because of lousy shareholders as some may assume,i think thats preposterous.

hopefully the month of april means big things for gnh.i believe management is working on something significant and that gnh will be back where it's supposed to be in the months to come.this might be the cause of the rise in sp in the last couple of days,just a wild guess.


over 13 years ago
Re: .38, and .39 and .395 all got taken out......

time to party.......really....

lets see how this goes before you go out "poppin bottles"

but on the other hand im happy as hell that we're back in the 40' the looks of it we might close just above forty if we're lucky.theres still an hour and a few to go so, dont be surprise if we close around .39

over 13 years ago
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