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Is there a way to remove yourself from Hub Leader status?

I'm no longer invested in a particular stock and would like to remove myself from the HUB Leaders list. Is there a way to do this?


over 14 years ago
Re: Financing

Good to see they secured some financing. This will allow them to continue with their environmental studies/work and feasibility work.

over 14 years ago
Re: Question you have to ask yourself

"The question you have to ask yourself is ... If you did not own KXL today, would you be a buyer tomorrow???"

Answer: No

Another question to ask yourself... Would you purchase another mining stock controlled by the same management team?

My answer: No.

The number of missed promises over many months has absolutely removed all confidence I have with this management group. I'll leave it at that... much more I'd like to say, but suffice to say that this "Long" is moving on.


over 14 years ago
Re: osc story

like many who have commented already. Not surprised, but dismayed none the less. Ironically, I started participating on this message hub because I though it was "cleaner". Maybe this is SH retribution... who knows. Just wish us humans could all play nice in the same sand box.

Happy Easter all.

over 14 years ago
Re: Deja Vu (all over again!)

Horizontal drilling?? If someone can actually prove that then KXL = Bre-X revisited. Pretty serious accusation if you don't have solid proof. I hope you don't have it and you are just venting your frustration because things would get ugly really quickly for KXL, Richardsons et. al.

over 14 years ago
on the other side selling is ANON

which has sold almost 600K so far...

as for promises... I don't put much faith in timing of anything. I was told several times the 43-101 would be out by PDAC... a contractual agreement with the company preparing it. Whatever... Even if they do receive it today... it will not hit the wires today. They'll have to review it, prepare the news release, send it out to various news agencies etc... just in time for tomorrow... and the long weekend.

don't hold your breath for this news... the "hope" is future news will be much better. Unfortunately, that is not a great "hope" because knowing our luck... they will have good news right at the same time... multiple US states are declaring bankrupcy or something... <sigh>

over 14 years ago
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