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Matawa Survey

I was startled to find this survey request posted on Matawa Facebook page.  Entries due tomorrow Dec. 15, 2016

This is a late stage move by Four Rivers that I would have expected years ago.

Shaking my head.




almost 8 years ago
Re: So it begins , Fn up in the ring get there wishes...

No! They are not expecting everything for free. Why the slant?

500 km of cable is what is being discussed. Including benefits to road building! I can't believe you would think this is somehow a greedy act!

To the FN the internet is a necessary road to the outside world. Let's grant them some access!!

“For Ring of Fire mining development internet services and very high bandwidth will be crucial to facilitate extraction and processing of ore, delivering educational, medical, training, and on-line services to mine and processing facilities, support remote monitoring functions, and very large data flows including environmental and geographic assessments and monitoring. With Ontario Mining Act on-line claim staking potentially coming into effect it will be unfair to our First Nations that someone could stake a claim online to land in our backyard from other parts of the world before we can.”
— Chief Bruce Achneepineskum, Marten Falls First Nation

Some background on this subject from FN point of view:;_ylu=X3oDMTEyN2c4aW5jBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM4BHZ0aWQDQjI2MDhfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1474087675/RO=10/

Disconnecting myself,


about 8 years ago
Northern Policy Map

Hey All,

Recent update to Northern Policy Interactive Map. Link below:!

Click on content next to map legend - select Porposed Road to ROF

Interactive map can see main and spur roads for FN communities, water crossings, etc.

Dutifully and meaningfully submitted,


about 8 years ago
Re: Getting Ugly...Jennifer Wabano.


Both CrIII and CrVI are already present in certain pockets of concentration throught the entire Canadian shield. These natural occurances are prevalent throughout the entire Canadian Shield region, in bedrock and aquifiers formed eons ago...long before chromium was ever used in industrial know.... when our ancestors roamed the lands.

I say we all pitch in and buy Jennifer a tub of wipes.


about 8 years ago
Re: Getting Ugly...Pam Palmater-another hypocrite.

Dearest Babjak1,

Beauty is overated. Curiosity, devotion and sharing are what the world needs to advance.

Thank you for your posts.

I agree a compilation of news on the ring of fire is best gleened from this board but mass media needs to stay out of here until we want the institutional buyers whipped up over infrastructure news to drive the SP higher.

Thanks to all who have contributed over the years.

As to your earlier post Jennifer Wabano.. I also recall a certain other member of Peawanuck FN.

Michael Fox of Impact consulting. Lead facilitator on the community road study.

Link to good reading below:

Overdue news on this road vote/referendum seems to be mired down by either the FN or the province on funding the constuction/owner/operator issue. Noront has spent enough in social capital and real capital over the years to stay out of the fray for now until said funding is announced.

Always present albeit from the shadows,


about 8 years ago
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