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Re: 10-Q for PATRIOT SCIENTIFIC CORP - Deploying A Licensing Agent

This really made me mad. I will never understand how nothing can be done about this. Childish playground stuff.

From 10Q

"Delays In Deploying A Licensing Agent Are Adversely Effecting Us.

PDS's sole licensing agent implementing the MMP licensing program is Dominion Harbor Group, LLC ("Dominion"), which was appointed in October 2014. Since PDS's previous licensing agent did not cooperate with the appointment of Dominion, Dominion has been redeveloping information and strategies that should have been transferred from the previous licensing agent. Accordingly, it has taken a significant amount of time for Dominion to develop such information and strategies. As a result, Dominion has not been able to commence revenue generating activities under the licensing program, which is having an adverse effect on our ability to generate revenues from the MMP portfolio. We do not know when Dominion will complete the development of information and strategies. Until such development is completed, we do not expect to be able to generate significant licensing revenues."

almost 9 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacers

Open up the pdf in latest version of Adobe Acrobat. Then on the top left under the "Open" button on the toolbar you should see a paperclip. Click on the paperclip and you will see the attachments in the pdf. Then click on the attachment.

Sounds like Cliff and Carl were on the phone from the little I have listened to so far.

almost 10 years ago
Re: Link to 8k

f. Patriot Licensing Company

To reinvigorate the MMP Program, the parties agree that Alliacense will be the exclusive licensor as to approximately half of the universe of prospective licensees, and one or more other licensing companies as to the balance. The licensing companies will not be in competition and it is in their interests and that of the MMP Program for all licensing to achieve its maximum potential. [*]. The licensing companies will coordinate their efforts in the best interests of the MMP Program.

(i) Dividing the universe of MMP licensees

Alliacense shall, once Patriot identifies as a second licensing company on terms approved by Patriot, [*] This group shall be the “Group 1 Designees”. The other list, [*], shall be called “Group 2 Designees”. Alliacense represents and warrants that all companies or entities known to Alliacense as infringing, or potentially infringing, on any of the MMP patents, or which are otherwise candidates or potential candidates for licensing some or all of the patents within the MMP Portfolio, are included in either the Group 1 or Group 2 Designee listings.

(ii) Patriot will arrange for PDS to enter into a Commercialization Agreement with another licensing company (“Patriot Licensing Company”) on terms determined by Patriot.

(iii) [*]. In exchange for providing this information, PDS shall compensate Alliacense [*] from any Group 1 Designee so long as a) all or a significant portion of the aforementioned items constituting Work had been provided, and b) [*]. This [*] fee will no longer be due and payable on any amounts received after two years from the date of this Agreement.


(iv) In addition to the present Defendants which are excluded from the preparation of the two listings described in section 3.f.(i) above, Alliacense may also exclude up to three (3) entities for which substantive, on-going, current and demonstrable bona fide negotiations have been in process up through, and as of, the date of this Agreement. Alliacense shall disclose to Patriot the names of these three entities immediately upon notification by Patriot that a second licensing company has been identified. Alliacense shall retain the right to market the MMP Portfolio to these entities for licensure for a period of 150 days after the execution of this Agreement. After the 150 day period, the right to market to these three entities (or any of the three that remain unlicensed) shall be allocated between Alliacense and the Patriot Licensing Company, with the Patriot Licensing Company allowed the first selection, Alliacense the second selection, and Patriot the third selection.

about 10 years ago
Re: Link to 8k

(iii) Mixed licenses

Alliacense will not negotiate MMP and non-MMP licenses at the same time or in conjunction with each other, and neither at the expense of each other. No MMP license will be written without PDS’s consent, and no such mixed license will be written without its advance written consent. Alliacense will keep PDS apprised on a weekly basis of all MMP negotiations as well as negotiations of non-MMP prospective licenses (subject to preservation of confidentiality) with any potential licensee who has been approached during the previous year for an MMP license. If asked by prospective licensees to bundle licenses or negotiate IP portfolios together, Alliacense will indicate to such prospective licensees that it has a responsibility to its client(s) not to do so. A violation of this provision will be grounds for termination by PDS.

about 10 years ago
Re: Link to 8k

Alliacense has attempted to negotiate an MMP license with HTC without success. It provided litigation support in connection with the HTC trial in Fall 2013. The parties are presently in a negotiation to settle the HTC lawsuit and potentially issue an MMP license, or license with respect to some MMP patents, to HTC.

about 10 years ago
Re: TPL BK: TPL PLAN OF REORGANIZATION 1-20-14 - Forecast receipts 2014-2020

TPL is expecting to collect 26 million this year? Is gross receipts the same as revenue? Would this be after the PDS split and Alliacense 20% for MMP related?

over 10 years ago
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