mudlark's Profile

ex-floor trader from long ago buy and hold investor-not a day trader

mudlark's Posts


I keep stumbling across reccomendations to buy Artis REIT (AX.un). Does anyone out there have intimate knowledge of the stock and its prospects?

over 10 years ago
Re: Prudent Thoughts on Investing in a Coming West Coast LNG boom.

For anyone to make money out of all this gas it has to get to water. Probably a better chance of shipping it out of Churchill than from the BC coast because the indiginous population are going to fight the pipeline proposals with vigour and there are too many factions among the bands for group bribery to have much impact.

over 10 years ago
Court case

From local Taranaki newspaper

Last updated 05:00 05/04/2014



A Taranaki judge has reserved his decision in the case involving the alleged theft of potentially multi-million dollar information on oil and gas discoveries within the region.

The Crown case is that the "secret recipes" contained in highly confidential computer files owned by Tag Oil (NZ) Ltd were stolen by James Winston Watchorn, 42.

Watchorn was a former production manager for Tag before joining the company's direct competitor, New Zealand Energy Corp.

Watchorn denies three counts of dishonestly accessing the exploration and production company's computer on June 7, 2012.

By August the same year he was working for NZEC.

Yesterday in the New Plymouth District Court, Judge Allan Roberts heard submissions from Crown solicitor Cherie Clarke and defence counsel Susan Hughes QC.

Watchorn illegally and without claim of right downloaded thousands of potentially valuable files on to his hard drive before leaving to join NZEC, Clarke said.

In doing so, Watchorn deliberately targeted and downloaded seismic and other geotechnical information which revealed the highly successful "secret recipes" used by Tag to find oil and gas in Taranaki, Clarke said.

By using the methods, Tag achieved 20 strikes from 20 wells, a success unheard of in the oil exploration industry.

The information explaining how they achieved this was very valuable and sought after by competitors, in particular NZEC.

over 10 years ago
Re: You can always count on American media to tell the truth

Orgy, I don't see the tongue-in-cheek emoticon in your headline,

over 10 years ago
Re: With the Right Moves...The Latest.................

Do you suspect that post was written by a robot?

over 10 years ago
Re: CHEVRON wins one against ECUADOR ..

Not a decision to be celebrating.

over 10 years ago
North Vancouver
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