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mtzorfas's Posts

Re: PRB and G share prices

Today's action certainly has me thinking of casting a no vote. We aren't far off our all-time high before the deal at this point.

over 9 years ago
Re: My 2 Cents

Quality post, Captain Time. There's a ton of value in getting the money and the opportunity to move forward now as opposed to waiting for (hopefully) a better buyout down the line. There's no telling what the future would hold if it doesn't go through. Maybe goldcorp would make a better offer, and then again maybe they won't. It's BS that we aren't privy to the drilling result, but cutting off our noses to spite our faces is not the answer either. I am confident that other producers had all the same info as G, and none of them ponied up an offer. I have not yet voted and have gone back and forth as a matter of principle. But we aren't in this for principles, we are in it for money. And the time we have to use that money is just as important as the money itself. On a related note, Dave Palmer made all of us money, and he's now offered us the opportunity to get into his next venture. The only beef you can have with him is that he didn't make you ENOUGH money. Life is too short to have that kind of beef. Most juniors went broke over the last 4 years and we are one of the few that got bought out. Personally, I think we owe him, and all the folks over at PRB that actually work (Karen included), a debt of gratitude.

over 9 years ago
Re: Probe Mines recent trading activity

The value of PRB is derived on the date of the deal finally go through. So, in theory, PRB's value is whatever .1755 the value of each goldcorp share is worth on the date the deal goes through plus the value of the New PRB. Therefore, as goldcorp stock goes up or down, the corresponding value of PRB goes up or down. For example, if goldcorp is worth $35 on the day it goes through, PRB is worth 6.14 plus whatever value the market gives new prb. Traders looking for arbitrage opportunities are looking to get PRB at a price less than the .1755 plus the new prb value.

over 9 years ago
Re: WB

Well, if that's the case then Probeguy is correct- why woud anyone sell their shares now and not take the deal? Not to mention that the drill results for the next six months are going to come out at some point, and when they do I have to think that will give the SP a boost. I'm not convinced the market at large has any clue what's really there (they were bitching about the deal over at the G message board), and we only do because we've been following it all along. I understand a company the size of G won't be impacted nearly as much as PRB would have been, but at this point we should root for the market to view this as a good deal made by G.

As an American investor, I am not selling right now because the exchange rate blows and I'd rather wait and see if things return to a more favorable exchange.

Does anyone know whether once the deal goes through, we become short term investors of G under US tax rules? Or do you get to keep long term status?

over 9 years ago
Re: Dave and Board !


I concur and appreciate the voice of reason. I haven't decided how I'm going to vote yet. I can understand wanting a better deal and as a stockholder since 2007, I certainly feel it's worth more. I can understand even more wanting to know what they found over the last 6 months of drilling. All that said, gold exploration is risky business these days in a volatile space controlled to an extent by manipulation beyond the control of retail investors. We are now in a position of far less risk than we were last week and the stock is worth 2 bucks more. Those results will be released, and GG only bought because they are going to be strong. As GG stock holders now, that can only benefit us.

I do have a novice question- we get .1755 shares of GG for every share of PRB on the day the deal closes, correct? So, in other words, we should want GG stock to do well between now and then, as the more it's worth, the more our stock will be worth when the deal goes through?

If the deal is a low ball offer, a white knight will prove that notion to be true and make an offer. Anything saying that an offer is likely or unlikely is pure propoganda, because anybody making those predictions isn't privy to the confidentiial info the suitors have.

over 9 years ago
What is the news and when will we get it?

For the past few years, whenever there was a few days of very high volume, this would be followed by a NR. Yet this time you have all that volume last week and then nothing. If the impetus for the volume was a takeover bid, then I have to think it's a friendly one because otherwise this delay doesn't make much sense to me (if it's hostile and the cat got out of the bag, whoever is making the bid would not want to hesitate- if it's friendly and probe is on board, they could be delaying it to make sure it's perfectly written to influence shareholders etc.). Personally, I'm not convinced that the pending news is related to a takeover and it could just as easily be 6 months of drilling which they want to incorporate with whatever they did on the wedge immediately after the land deal. At any rate, I find it very strange that we haven't heard anything yet on the news front. They must have SOMETHING to report after all this time.

over 9 years ago
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