moremoney2's Profile

moremoney2's Posts

Re: Spruce grove B&B

It's at the Spruce Grove Motor Inn tonight at 7:00.

over 11 years ago
Re: Letter Campaign getting noticed already

Thanks Sculpin and all those involved at the forefront of this battle. I, for one, am not a great letter writer particularly where I would like to have one that delivers the most impact. It would be much appreciated if someone could provide a sample letter that I and others (if there are any) with the same problem or those with time constraints to compose their letter could use. Even if the recipients receive several letters that are the same or very similar, it seems that would still have more impact than them receiving less letters because of people not doing it for whatever reason.

Happy New Year!

over 11 years ago
Re: Hard to keep following..


I'm not trying to be rude and I hope this does not come across that way either. But, if things are really as bad as you make them out to be, why would Lori start selling a few shares (at least for her) now at 75-80 cents rather than back in the last quarter of 2011 or early January when the price was at $2.00 and higher? And if things were really that bad, do you not think that Lori would be selling more of her shares in SLI? My guess is she has maybe sold 1-2% of her holdings. Again, why would she have invested more than $1,500,000 of her own money at $1.80 per share in the private placement last fall, if this was a sinking ship?

I could continue but don't want to be considered a pumper. Don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly happy with the share price at the moment either as my average share price is $1.49, but I've got my eye on the prize at the end of this portion of the race (sale of Tesoro) and then look forward to enjoying the gift that keeps on giving after that.

... just my opinion ...

And using the famous words of Mr. Hobbes - God Bless All!


over 12 years ago
Re: Congrats DIGI!

Way to go Digidude! That was a great story! I hope he was/is able to pick up some shares. My feeling is he won't need very many to pick out any wheelchair van he wants in the not too distant future!


almost 13 years ago
Re: Amused and Confused

Hi Mudlogger. I believe the material you received in the mail, as all shareholders did or will shortly, is the same as an email Lori sent out on August 2nd to all those who have signed up on the website to be on the St Elias mailing list. The link is at the bottom of the homepage. The email is I believe what was referred to previously and not mail from Canada Post. I am guessing that management felt this information on shorting to be worthy of sending it to all shareholders and it likely took Olympia Trust a bit of time to put it all together and get it mailed out. Our house received a whole stack since we got one for every account that we have SLI shares in.

Long on SLI!!!

about 13 years ago
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