moona3b's Profile

moona3b's Posts

Hi all

Just stoping by to say hi. I see we are still alive with mtek. I gave up long ago but am stuck with my shares. Lets hope for a miracle

almost 12 years ago
Re: Next week?

And perhaps we will hear something next year. For eight months, it has been next week or next month. It is time they say next year, or never, and put us out of our misery.

over 12 years ago
Re: Just curious...

If you reall want the bad news, they were going to file last year. Then mid Jan. Then end of Jan. Then by feb 15th. Then by end of Feb. And now, it is soon. lol

over 12 years ago
Re: Is this good news or bad news?

Had it been built by Mind Tech, we would be on our way to $1.00 per share. Oh well

over 12 years ago
Re: I am about to get thrown off of this board

sanvisor, I believe you are skating on very thin ice. The hub leaders have their eye on you. I can tell you this, if they don't come through with the otcbb, it will be the first time they prommiced something that did not happen. Yes, they have been late many times, but never this late before.

over 12 years ago
Re: I am about to get thrown off of this board

jersi, you are right. I will not become a basher, but if mtek goes under after keeping us hanging on like this, I will sure feel like I should. Those sorry souls have now been non stop bashing for about three years. What a sorry life. lol

over 12 years ago
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