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Re: The future of the iPhone 8

I believe that is called....tongue in cheek

over 7 years ago
The future of the iPhone 8

I know, I know....the TRAB is disbanded, the 'dots' with the fruity company have been erased. But endulge me here as I found this article quite interesting:  -Particularly when you click on the 'Apple Patent' link, which actually takes you to a patent by a company called Heptagon Micro Optics based out of Singapore. From my outsider knowledge of the POET tech, it does not appear to be related. But I'm hoping that the tech wizards here could comment on the patent and confirm that I am in fact clutching at straws? :) 

over 7 years ago
Data Centers and Telecommunications

An interesting article on Data Centers and Telecommunications.  It certainly reinforces the fact that the industry is crying out for a POET solution.  I also find the NASA involvement intriguing.  Perhaps the tech savvy amongst us could comment further on the article? GLTAL. Monk

over 7 years ago

Good evening ITTR. When I first read 'PET', I thought of 'Planar Electric Technology', which appeared to disappear off the face of the Earth with no explanation. This is as opposed to Peat Resources's PET, which I am assuming you are referring to? Perhaps SG can clarify. If it is the planar electric technology you are referring to SG, I've had many conversations in the past with fellow members around what ever happened to it. Despite being sick and tired of speculation and rumours that never materialise, (yet I am about to massively speculate myself...apologies!) I have thought to myself that this whole PO, let's just call it, 'situation' in which we find ourselves, could be due to another entity (customer, partner etc) wanting or demanding a stake in POET. This has been briefly discussed I believe under another thread. 'If' this is anywhere near the case, why would they want such a large stake? Because of the detector? Unlikely in my opinion for a stake of this size. Because of a prototype? They aren't here yet, as we believe. I have thought that PET could have been outsourced in some way to another company, with the mindset that POET would license it. This, so that management can concentrate on the POET platform. Could another entity have seen the results of PET and decided they needed to be a part of it? Seems more likely that the other scenarios above. PET was initially on the radar many years ago and perhaps it is now that such an entity would see results and decided they want in. Anyway, I know I'm getting carried away, trying to see the silver lining, but in the back of my mind, PET has always been there. I hope we see better times over the coming weeks and can have a great Christmas. GLTAL. Monk

almost 8 years ago
Re: The positive side to this situation

We've said this before Trini. If I had a POET share for every time I've heard 'buying opportunity', I'd be a millionaire already! That being said, if you take away the noise and listen to what POET are telling us, you have solid reasoning to have that view. I also share it, which is why I added another chunk to my portfolio today as well. GLTAL. Monk

almost 8 years ago
Re: a seemingly unending supply.....

That's a serious accusation to make kooter and a hard one to prove at that. Wash trading is an illegal activity: Rockymica has already voiced concerns to the IIROC and OSC: Rocky, was there a response?

almost 8 years ago
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