moneydigger's Profile

moneydigger's Posts

Re: unreal how some people

I admit I was considering buying back but that was before this mess. This 36 cent PP is sickening and a slap to the face for investors. I cant see anyone trusting this company ever again. Its why its time t throw in the towel. You will get killed here.

almost 8 years ago
Re: 11-12 tomorrow

All this does for them is send their credibility out the window. i am having a hard time trusting them the more time goes by. Hard to believe anything now. I am very torn. Been watching to buy back in.

almost 8 years ago
Re: 11-12 tomorrow

if its public why isnt there a news release. Not sure why there would not be one. Wow this company sure is doing things backwards.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Terms of Public Offering News

If my math is right, its looking like an additional 25 million shares added around 60cents. Big dillution for sure.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Management + Investor Relations

do like I did Sandman, I followed my gut and sure happy I did now after seeing this nightmare. Follow your gut, Your gut is usually right ;)

almost 8 years ago
Re: Completely out after many many years

Thanks everyone for the kind words and the good luck statement. When i started to sell PTK I was lucky enough and re-invested in oil stocks. Making good money there at the moment. Maybe this is why I feel better about selling here,lol I will keep coming here and reading because i enjoy it. MAny of you guys have made it easy for me to understand PTK. And yes who knows perhaps i might jump back in. I just feel my money is better invested elsewhere at this moment. Once/If PTK shows more promising development i will consider buying again. Good Luck to all of you and I hope I made the wrong decision because all I want is for Poet to come to fruitation and you guys to make tons of money.

P.S. cant remember who wanted my avatar but its yours,lol I dont need it anymore.

about 8 years ago
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