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mojo19's Posts

Re: hello

I have been patient. Have no reason to leave now but u would think that if the gold is there that it would be in the best interest of the company to let the cat out of the bag and get on with it. The frustration of watching all the games and manipulation leads one to lose face in mankind. It would be interesting to hear Brophy's take on all this along with the real reasons he was let go. If anyone can get a hold of him it would be very interesting to hear his perspective.Either our company is trying to control who profits from this or these creations like Intigold are designed to funnel profits away from shareholders into select hands and allow better positioning for certain individuals going forward.i guess at this point we need to hope the scraps will be significant. Mojo

about 11 years ago
Re: hello

I know we are in tough times here but I for one would appreciate it if some of the long time residents here would spellout some scenarios we could be facing this fall. I have been with this play for over 10 years. I can honestly tell you that during the climb to 2.80 I felt there was no looking back as per the 43 101's etc. But this being the venture and people being people ( greed and lying etc ) here we are again in the 6 cent range. Although it hurts to admit the fact that I have accumulated and never sold I have been here at the start at .20 and watched it go to 1.39 then back to.06 then up to 2.80 and back to 0.5. Let me tell you that we ( sli ) have substantially more assets such as molly , more gold etc than the first time we hit .06. But here we are again. So I for one would be interested in hearing anyones opinion as to what is and will be going on as we attempt to go forward. This has been a bizarre ride but my gut tells me ( also our info to date that ths is extremely undervalued ) I chose to stick it out years ago but this play and the sequence of events in the last 2 years are mind boggling. JUST WHAT THE F__K is going on.

about 11 years ago
Re: TTAGIT update

Do any of you believe we will see an increase in share price this fall. Or is this a dead duck. According to 43 101's we are undervalued but yet here we are again. Very confused and disappointed.

about 11 years ago
Re: MM,s

Would you guys ( Bow, Sculpin Risk) care to share your views on scenarios that might unfold leading up to agm as you seem to be doing the most research re sli. I think general conscensus is we are not going upward anytime soon. It is obvious that shady activity is the only certainty. Mojo 19

almost 12 years ago
Re: NR

Well one theory is that they want hundreds of thousands of shares to change hands before we embark on our desired path. There are a lot of unexplainable events such as supposedly not following quantecs advice or following it then finding out what they want and abandoning quantec. To much time elapsing between work and results. I really believe the conspiracy theorists that sli wants all Murrays peoples shares in Lori's peoples hands. Hopefully the rules and regs of exchange will allow us to see real Tesoro value soon. I would have to think that if we have something we will know by agm so if at all possible hang in there. Mojo

about 12 years ago
Re: t24tesoro

Spoke with Jeff yesterday and he claims they will be putting out release to clarify some things. It is easy to be negative when things appear to be failing, easy to be positive when things are progressing. I guess it boils down to whether sli can find enough of the source soon enough to make it fly. Any debating on here either pro or con will not effect the reality. There is either enough gold to make us money or there isn't, its really that simple. The 43-101s indicate it could be worth the wait.

over 12 years ago
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