mo_rocks's Profile

mo_rocks's Posts

Re: Copper Fox Updates Sombrero Butte Copper Project in Arizona

Even Stockwatch wasn't impressed with the NR...check out the title:

Geological mumbo jumbo...LOL!!!!

almost 8 years ago
Re: When will I ever learn?

Trebles, as someone who came to PTK from CUU, because you - yes, you - had the audacity to mention PTK on the CUU board, I place all the blame of my paper loss straight on you.

Of course, I am kidding.

"Soon" from Copper Fog has been replaced by "soon" here...the charts are eerily similar, acquisitions of cheap assets...there are so many similarities it's creepy.

When will [i] I [/i] ever learn!?!?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Price of the Proposed Offering

Masan, at this rate you can buy all the shares you want at $0.55, want to teach the 'big boys' a lesson? Just start eating the blocks up under $0.60 and don't let them go. One really (really, really...) wealthy person could dry up a lot of shares at this level...

almost 8 years ago
Re: Back to 2013

I wouldn't call you crazy, but definitely wealthier than me. I can't even afford another 1k... :( as long as my wife doesn't check the account for a while....

almost 8 years ago
Re: NEW CFO Thomas Mika (MBA Harvard)

@FJ: please re-read the message from shessorry, this time with the lenses of dripping sarcasm on.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Out at 74

Please be aware of the ACACIA shares becoming available, your float is going to get a whole lot bigger. Jim Cramer discussed this very recently on Mad Money, term that he calls a sliver offering.

almost 8 years ago
rural Southwestern Ontario
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