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mint's Posts

Re: Agreements - Squeements

and operating agreements on Sardine Hill needed to be done asap

also some results on Red Lake????

over 14 years ago

Be interested to get your feedback from the meeting tomorrow.

Been waiting a long time on this story, your feedback would be valuable.



over 14 years ago
Re: The Sky is Falling - The Sky if Falling!!

It shouldn't fall below .22-.23. Unfortunately it does not feel good at all, but it happens and is a good test of support - to test 200ma and then take-off?! Failing that I don't want to say.

On the upside once support holds, if we break .29-.33 then we should finally get a decent climb. I'd say .45 - short-term. However my personal view is that we'll be trading at .55-.70 range before April. All assuming the sardines are in the can.

Here is my monthly guideline and lines to break and not to break;

"keep the faith" I think we will all be rewarded later than sooner

over 14 years ago
Re: Current Sardine Hill info

Lucky we don't have to read between those lines. Ha ha

I have to say its getting more and more exciting and energetic around here. Charged? Hope this energy converts into share price.

Lots of good informative posts here

over 14 years ago
Re: Current Sardine Hill info

The issue seems to be with Lumumba who owned 100% of the Sardine property in the early 90's in the first place who then sold it to Roraima who then failed to deliver not just once but on both a second and third chance given as well. Even after all that the property was still handed back to Roraima and including Lumumba again ( original owner). The article takes issue with Mariwa ( a new company formed by Lumumba and Roraima ) as though its some suspicious cover this new company but the property was recently handed over to Roraima and Lamumba anyway so either way the new company is one and the same so what! But it does make for an eyecathing write-up. Then there's an issue with respect to exploration data that should have been made available for free, well, that's good news for us as maybe Shoremham can save 250,000US after further discussions... Two other points are the article mentions that the deal between Shoreham and Mariwa is a "likely deal" - once again good news for Shoreham. The last point is the mining regulations " requiring that small and medium scale mining be fully Guyenese owned and whether this deal meets these criterion. This is the only area of issue I see unless Sardine Hill is classed as "large scale" which also would imply great news for us.

Overall, on second read and thought I don't think any article will change a thing to the way business is conducted in foreign countries for centuries and do any other politicians in these countries not have certain privileges and assets by virtue of their positions anyway? I can see one politician arguing with another and then the other bringing up the same back at em. If Shoreham has a good relationship and ability to negotiate satisfactory and mutually beneficial arrangements with those currently able to make and execute decisions then good for Shoreham, David and team...

If we can bring to life these projects and prospects then I hope the article is correct in stating that the deal is a " likely deal ".

Who named it "Sardine" anyway!

over 14 years ago
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath But ..... !

Ya, I think gravity will be around .30 until they get some funds in place and locked up. Not to say that we can't see .22 -.26 though again as that's a possibility this month (with a little tax selling ). I think Dave has been quite an artist at putting a lot of new pieces into the SMH puzzle, Guyana properties being the greatest additions however not without its headaches obviously as we've seen. It's always more difficult when the time comes to actually put the working pieces/package together and begin function and the picture/story Dave seems to be putting together with a little help from new friends seems to be a big one. As long as we don't choke somehwere I think we'll see some good aprreciation here soon in the new year.

.33-.35 should be a key point to break and if so then we could finally be on our way toward .50, .70 range with some good marketing...wouldn't that be nice. No reason why it couldn't do even better than that further out as long as all the pieces come together as envisioned. Seems to be a lot of amazing properties assembled and ready to roll soon. So, lets hope it all comes together. Soon? Atleast before the next correction I hope.

Be a shame to have a lot of good news come out just when the whole market turns south.$GOLD&p=W&b=5&g=0&id=p73092871961&a=183613907&listNum=1&listNum=1

Be nice to make a few bucks here. Especially after watching many other stocks make some real decent gains, ...

almost 15 years ago
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