minespec's Profile

minespec's Posts

Re: Millers Compensation

Hahaha....... what a guy. What comes around goes around though right...One thing i dont understand is how CPP got hold of this stock...or ANY funds in general. Youd think they would have found out about this bs earlier

over 14 years ago
Re: Question for the list - NSR's

The whole group is playing dumb i'm afraid. I'm coming to the impression that there isn't really any value in the property....management knows, and now they are stalling as long as they possibly can. Hence the spin - out. It made NO sense at all...... why complicate things if you dont need to. I just hope that miller and the lot of em are ousted. Thats all i can say.

P.S, I LOVE how they compare performance on ISM versus the average TSX return...... hahaha, what a joke.

Dead cats don't bounce

over 14 years ago
Re: Final Survey Results

How about managements lack of experience, expertise or general ability to take a mineral rich property and turn it into a profitable venture. The whole group has no idea as to what they are doing. I remember reading something saying that there is one drilling rig on the property AND its not exclusively on langmuir......hahahah, does it take a genius to figure out that more rigs and more drilling will generally yield MORE results and will speed out recommended "drill program". The whole display ( be it nitinat, this new spin-out, etc, etc just shows how incompetent these people are)

All I have to say as a shareholder is we can vote our management out..... and wait, isnt there an AGM coming soon? One can only hope we get someone in there that can get this done instead of constantly going to "europe" hahah, on our dime nonetheless

over 14 years ago
Re: Facts and figures

How can we use facts and figures when the company doesn't tell us or disclose a thing.......

over 14 years ago
Re: Lacking Confidence --- Tantallon

It's clearly something fishy...... the fact of the matter is that if we really did have all this nuckel in the ground, someone would take a run at us via a hostile takeover.

Hahaha, anyone heard a word of the shareholder rights program? It seems like they put out news just to put out news...... it doesn't actually mean anything. I'd like to know ONE productive thing randy has done over the past....1, 2, 3 years that has contribute to shareholder wealth.

If this was something productive, or a step in the right direction, the news release would have had a lote more disclosure. Lawsuits, Lawsuits, Lawsuits......they gotta be a coming...

over 14 years ago
Re: Special Dividend

Seriously. Talking about nickel ETF's soaring isn't going to do anything. Yes, nickel prices are up.....we on the other hand are down. We have one rig being rotated from property to property, is that what I heard? The way these guys manage this company cannot be legal. How on earth are we going to hit out 30,000 meters going at this rate. Randy Miller, you need to step down. You own a significant amount of this company. Lets get someone in who can deliver a home run. We will BOTH benefit.

Pathetic, pathetic pathetic......... it will be excuse after excuse after excuse with this company.

Riddle me this....why, if the NCIB was for 6 million shares did we only buy back a fraction of that? Makes sense, NO, it doesn't. We can speculate all we want, but there is definitely something fishy in the air. Certain things don't seem to add up.

over 14 years ago
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