mikey10159's Profile

mikey10159's Posts

Re: Don't worry about the deadlines

I'm simply saying that trying to determine every little detail here is futile. We're spectators, we have only 2 choices, stay in or get out. Frankly there isnt much that could happen thats going to make me or many other people get out until we get to the point where its over and we're either right or we're wrong. So for me, and for many others, trying to ascertain the deeper meaning in every little detail doesn't do much more than add stress. Sure the broader information is nice to keep track of, but we've been on this ride for years, said this is our day, this is key, this is it, over and over, the truth is that what we think, what we determine about this company only matters if it means you're done, other than that its all bs, and I doubt there will be many who jump ship just before we reach our destination whatever it may be.

So good luck to everyone here try not to let the ups get you high or the downs get you out.


almost 11 years ago
Don't worry about the deadlines

It will come when it comes. I'm sure we all have enough on our minds other than understanding the calculous of deadlines, and then minds which opporate within them. Until then Good luck and try not to think too much about the little things, we're all longs (at least those of us who matter lol) the ifs and buts and highs and lows come and go. You'll either hold it or sell it, and you're obviously still here so don't stress yourself with second guessing or meaningless understanding. Simply put it from your mind check back now and then for news but take it all with a grain of salt.

Hold, Hope, and with any luck Profit. leave the rest out of your mind


almost 11 years ago
Re: thought on these releases/MIKEY/RJ

if someone was looking to invest I would think they would do the homework to know who owns what and what each party is getting from the deal. Though I do agree we need more attention on us. Frankly I'm suprised we haven't been on the evening news "company sues everyone" i mean seriously when i first heard about patriot i thought well damn why didnt read about them in newsweek

over 14 years ago
Re: thought on these releases/MIKEY

true.. it does seem backward but that never really got them anywhere and now if its actually going somewhere then its kindof speak softly and carry a big stick.. i dont need to talk because you're about to see what i can do

yeah i know i sound really optimistic.. we've been in this thing since 2000ish so its been a long time coming and i just want to be excited about something if i can be

over 14 years ago
thought on these releases

in the past they have always pumped up these releases making them sound all important.. these three are just like footnotes, almost as if someone said oh we should let people know as an afterthought..

so and so purchased an license eom

no fluff.. in the past it would have said "the third license in so many days!" etc etc etc. but here they dont seem to be too boastful, as if they know they have a lot more coming and dont need to pump it up or maybe they just know they have all this money coming in and dont care to pump it up



over 14 years ago
Re: PTSC Website

well they updated the news at least..

over 14 years ago
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