microcapinvestor's Profile

microcapinvestor's Posts

Re: Not looking good -

I just find it weird it's taking this long...It's getting frustrating...Same old waiting on the FAA...And the theories that come with it from the board mods. Two weeks today lets get something off the press this week boys!

about 9 years ago
What is going on

Goin on two weeks here and no word..

about 9 years ago
Re: Pic of crew up on FB last nifgt -

Good luck to everyone. Hope everyone makes out well.

about 9 years ago
Re: Pic of crew up on FB last nifgt -

I think the photos Are very positive... But who knows. Hopefully whatever they are doing or did or going to do comes out positive!

Looking forward to this week. Baltia staff and us shareholders deserve to see this company fly..stock and plane

about 9 years ago
Re: Test

interesting E... I deleted my ihub app so I'm out of the loop there...thanks for sharing..That got me happy!!

about 9 years ago
Re: Test

Hoping they got it done...my nerves are shot lol

about 9 years ago
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