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medtech7309's Posts

Re: ronran, just curious

Easy, are you kidding, with 2 young kids and a large mortgage, minor college savings at the time, and other than disposable income only a 65k IRA that I cashed in at a major tax disadvantage, to invest in ptsc, that was all I had. Easy, not, when you take 25 k and buy ptsc at around .05 and it goes down to under .03 and you add another 35k, and it sits at .03 for weeks, that ain't easy. Losing sleep, not knowing if it would pop, the only thing I knew is that I was not going to cave, since I had a good job if I lost all 65k. Didn't think through how I was going to pay the tax penality but I figured I could handle if ptsc crapped out.

It became easy when ptsc popped to .09 cents and sat between .07 and .09, then yes it was easy, but until then, not so much.

But I do appreciate you telling me that most times life does not work out so simply, to me, that was not simple, stupid maybe, lucky yes, skillful no, but with assistance from biajj and a couple others, at least I understood the scam that ptsc was. My big fear was that swartz would just flip from .03 to .09 over and over and not manipulate to where sp went. When people say timing is everything, not sure about that but I don't know what I would have done if ptsc went back below break even, but it never did so it was easy/simple after that.

This will be my last post on the subject but it was not easy/simple and yes I was lucky and most would think I was nuts to take all I had and take a shot at ptsc.

So why am I pizzd at ptsc bod, for only one reason, because they had a chance to be something big and they screwed a lot of people. My favorite comment as I remember it was from Gloria when she told investors they could have sold at 2. I'm sure that many of those that read this board were a lot more prepared then the vast majority of investors in ptsc.

Let's see if I lose my 5k in at .005, not going to cave, lol, wait for mm manipulation, and the games go on.

almost 9 years ago
Re: ronran, just curious

I'm not venting, like I mentioned before, thanks to biajj and a couple others who thoroughly explained the toxic funding that swartzy was involved in saved the day for me. I was all in (every investment dollar I had ) with the thought that if ptsc hit I would be able to quit the corporate world and trade full time thereafter. It happened and I was prepared when the infamous pump to 2 bucks was in play. It worked and allowed me to quit my job and trade full time, please understand I am not bragging but just thanking those that helped. Thank you again!

Many were not as fortunate and those are the ones I feel for. Yes, we are all adults and we are responsible for our trading actions but when the game is rigged it just pzzs me off.

I have had no stake of substance in this pos since then except for flipping for a quick buck over the years. I am in with a few at .005 for the fun of it but my days with ptsc ended in earnest after the pump to 2 bucks.

I still read this board often to stay abreast of what is going on.

I have pm'd many including yourself giving contact information to the lawfirm and lead attorney that I was involved with when I bought distressed debt/equity in wamu and how he assisted the equity committee.

Per your pm to me a couple of years back, you contacted him and he was not interested because there was not enough money involved and he would not take it on contingency. That is the common response I heard from those I gave the contact info to. Not surprising but it was worth a shot.

What I don't understand is why you or one of your associates did not persue this back in the day or for that matter now. I am sure with all the ptsc retail investors you could get enough funds to persue a lawsuit against ptsc if you could go back far enough to attach pohl and swartz to a lawsuit. The key would be to be able to go after swartz and pohl as well as the current bod.

Please understand this is not negative towards you or your sincerity to assist but with everything you know about what ptsc execs have done and with a little cash from retail ptsc shareholders for billing and a contingency agreement, can you see anyway that you or an associate of yours could make a nice amount of money , I would have thought it feasible.

Heck, I was involved in a bk situation of a publically traded company and we filed suit primarily claiming fraudulent conveyace and using a lawfirm in name only since my partner did most of the work in putting the suit together. It worked and we settled out of court for a nice roi plus the attorny was happy with his payout.

Since ptsc is now doa except for maybe a little mm pump now and again, I was always wondering what some of the old timers thought about this question. PM's welcome. What poster(s) do you think are ptsc bod plants or ptsc current or former board members. I think there are at least a couple of current or former posters.

Again, ronran, you have been very helpful in assisting many in their understanding of the patent legal issues etc.. thanks again.

almost 9 years ago
ronran, just curious

If a lawsuit was filed is it possible to also sue swartzy and pohl going back to before the big pump to 2 bucks.


almost 9 years ago
So So Sad

I visit now and again just to keep up with a few posters post. This is so sad. I personally contacted the sec years ago, no interest. I contacted attorneys years ago, no interest. I gave key board members my legal and sec contacts, no interest.

The scum bags at pts current and former got away with it, not surprised. PTSC had the chance to be the real deal except for pohl, swartz, and all the rest of the crooks who stole the company from shareholders.

They stayed on the otcbb so they could more easily get away with the robbery.

So So SAD.

Good luck to all

Biajj, if you are reading the board, thank you very much for your analysis back in the day regarding what swartzy and pohl were up to with the toxic funding, it kept me on my toes to get out after the big pump to 2 bucks, it basically allowed me to quit my corporate job and trade full time ever since. thanks again, ronran and banosser and many other helped as well, thank you.

Thanks ptsc bod for your dishonesty and pocketing so much cash that should have went to shareholders. you corrupt pos's. you all should definitely be in jail.

I wonder what bod members are plants on this board, I bet at least one. lol.

almost 9 years ago
Re: The original patent, as accepted/approved by the USPTO.

I have not posted in years, but I'm long again so I thought I would dive in. This is the main issue regarding infringement that has been going on from the beginning. I don't know whether the judges' comments helps or hurts but this is the main patent infridgement issue from day one, if I remember correctly.

all imo

almost 9 years ago
Re: Shareholder Meeting Notes

Thanks for the info. How they can legally withhold the name of a key player like the 3rd member is beyond me. How is that not material. They just don't give a damn, and think that they have legal standing.

Yes, I know many share holders have tried to hire legal council to go after these guys and have hit a dead end, as have I. No law firm wants to take this on contingency because of the uncertainty of winning and without a clear path to money the law firms that have experience in this arena don't want to touch it. Hard to prove damages is how it was conveyed to me.

To me, it is simple and with the right strategy it would not surprise me if a good law firm could claw back monies all the way to swartzy and pohl but no law firm understands what really has transpired and how many 10s of millions, probably over 100 million have been stolen from share holders. I'm sure there are many a share holder like Brian who could easily follow the money back to illegal ptsc bod sec actions.

Maybe a grass roots effort to generate a pool of funds would be the only way I could see a lawfirm taking this case. I don't even care about the money, maybe the best approach would be to go after them in a criminal trial and at least see them squrim a little on the witness stand.

Just so sad, they had it all to grow a great company and they pzzd it all away on insider deals and greed. So So sad.

Some of us old timers did ok with the one major pump but it could have been so much more.

all in my opinion and mine alone.

over 9 years ago
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