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News Timing

Management knows they can't have a CC without first having a n/r.

  • 12 Aug 15 the Q2 2015 quarterly financial statement came out.

  • On 24 Aug 15 POET announced the 30 Sept 2015 CC.

  • 27 Aug 15 a n/r announced the VCSEL agreement with Anadigics.

  • On 30 Sept 15 there was a n/r setting out the product direction and expectation of a prototype in 2016. This was followed later that day by the CC.

  • A public company can't discuss material news at a CC that hasn't already been disclosed through a n/r. It is also difficult to have such a CC during any financial statement blackout period.

  • 4 April 14 the 2013 year end financial statement came out. On 9 April 15 the 2014 year end financial statement came out. We can anticipate the 2015 year end financial statement will come out sometime in early April 2016. The Q1 2016 statement won't come out until sometime in late May 2016.

  • To me, the very announcing of a future CC is suggestive of some n/r that will be coming out just prior to the CC. On the flip side, normally the CC is announced weeks in advance, and the fact it has yet to be announced implies they don't yet have the material news they want to deliver in the next n/r. It may well be the current Anadigics bidding war delay is the cause of the delay. Is Anadigics really going like gangbusters now to complete the VCSEL prototype? Or are they working now with a smaller crew? I know we received a n/r earlier stating that the Anadigics situation was not a problem for POET, but a new n/r again confirming that would be nice, given it has now turned into months as opposed to weeks, with no end in sight.

over 8 years ago
Re: A review of investing in time

Tannersfriend, of course you are correct in this. The reason no material news has been announced is because there is no material news yet to announce. When there is material news, we will get the n/r. Conspiracy theorys abound, but almost never prove correct.

over 8 years ago
Re: I ask this question again...

Libran, I agree. This is the more likely scenario. Poet had an understanding with GaAs Lab and not with the current best offer company. Maybe in the end it doesn't matter.

over 8 years ago
Re: How does POET compare

Rainer, I do like your posts. They are always articulate, relevant, educated and yet balanced. How many years have you been following POET? I started investing at $.88 a few months ago. I see it as a high risk - high reward play so I have only invested amounts I am prepared to lose, hoping the reward will come. I am able to invest more, but I am hesitant before something more than third party conjecture is delivered. I think there are a lot of potential investors out there with similar thoughts (assuming 42% of the issued shares are still on the float). I am willing to invest more without having a Newton-like fruit-dropping announcement, but I repeat there needs to be more than just conjecture. News of progress on the prototype would be nice. As with the field of dreams, "build it and they will come." Completing the protoype makes the dream a reality. I want to invest more before the prototype is complete (I am ok with high risk/high reward), but only if I hear from POET that substantial progress is being made with the prototype. I am looking forward to hearing the January CC.

over 8 years ago
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