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meadow hen's Posts


Certainly looks like the Midfield mineralized zone plunges under the Striker zone, would be interesting to see the company exetnd a few holes through the Striker to see what they get underneath. Very bullish if the grades from such extensions increase to that found in BKD 77.

Tons of new drilling needed to expand the resource.


over 7 years ago
ERD Halt

The " Halt" is on again for ERD. Seems that news could come from 2 or 3 fronts, still am hopeful that more holes were drilled around THD-101 where 110 m of  9.3 g of gold was reported in Dec. 16, the drill program was set for about 3000 m but only about 750 m have been reported to date. Question re more to come or did the company re focus on the BKD project. A recent Miner report logs hole 101 as the top gold intersected for Dec 1916.

Earlier news noted that some nine holes were drilled in the vicinity of hole BKD-60 where 60 m of 2 gram was reported in the immediate are of an IP anomaly.

Possibly another surprise??? Stay Tuned


over 7 years ago
Re: Erdene Resource Development



Expect lots more in ERD's pipe line, Oct 16 news indicated a 3000 m drill program was to be completed at Alton Nar. The Dec news of 110 m of 9.3 g gold also reports 2 other holes but the total drilling was only about 750 m, Seems like another 2000 m of drilling unless management changed their plans and drilled elsewhere.

The sp move suggests speculars/shareholders are paying attention. Good things coming.

almost 8 years ago
Re: NR 8.24.16 Probe/Soquem announce new gold zone on Lower Detour


Even though there was only 1 drill hole with significant results Dave's comments set the tone for what might be much more from this area. Comments like;

- the program was successful in identifying a promising geological setting for LDGT - style gold mineralization, [LDGT Lower Detour Gold trend]

- drilling currently underway way with two drill rigs

- This type of mineralization typically shows very good responses in IP surveys and the

anomalies identified along strike of the mineralization represent strong drill targets for the

current phase of drilling

about 8 years ago
Re: News Soon

N S,

Am guessing that PRB may release the AGE 2016 drill program results but its quite possible that Dave sent drills in after the agreement was finalized to confirm the results if they were good. Doubt that he would release results from others without results from his own crew to backstop AGE data.

If the results are good agree that we could get that substantial sp moveas suggested. This would give the company 2 projects. Maybe this week we get results.

about 8 years ago
Re: Right on Tony T

Have never seen documented results re gold grades from FNC or associate companies from fluvial/glacial deposits. Do they exist or for that matter is there an economic evaluation or is this more speculation. There may be gold value present but if grades are not economic new technology may be insignificant. Is this another story line like the lithium shareholders have been holding onto for the past 6 months

about 8 years ago
meadow hen
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