mbgld's Profile

mbgld's Posts

Interesting scenario

As a shareholder with a lot of shares, well over 800,000, I have been frustrated and impatient at times with this company. My cheekiness and sarcasm may be viewed as "bashing" at times but was an avenue in which to vent my frustration. This event in which the company will actively pursue people which have dragged down our sp is welcome. If my posts were taken/viewed in this context,they were not meant to be and apologies all around.

almost 13 years ago
Good job management

Hope your steaks tasted good at the LA summit. Did you have a lot of exciting evenings out with Gene,pretending to be a "ROCK STAR". On your FB page you said to wait for something exciting.Still waiting. Oh, and thanks for the further sp weakness. Couldn't have done it without you.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Share Price

Thank management for the sp suppression. 10 cent pp with 13 cent warrants. About 60 million shares we have to churn through.These became free trading after the huge run up and large volume.Also, this last pp at an undisclosed price. At least I think it is a pp???? Not very clear at all. Will need to be closed before any increase in sp. This management team has not done a very good job at managing the share structure of this company. If you don't think that share structure is important listen to the following:


Listen from the beginning.

about 13 years ago
Re: More financing coming

Would have been nice of them to release it in a different sequence

about 13 years ago
More financing coming

Picked up from stockhouse. NR out on stockwatch. Looks like we don't have the 20 mil. or so from the previous financing:

Subject to adjustment in certain events, each Special Warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire, at noadditional cost, one SW Share and one-half of one SW Warrant at any time prior to 4:30 p.m. (Calgary time) (the"SW Expiry Time") on the earlier of: (i) the date a receipt is issued by the applicable securities regulatoryauthorities for a (final) short form prospectus qualifying the securities to be issued upon the exercise of the SpecialWarrants; and (ii) September 14, 2011 (the "SW Expiry Date").

about 13 years ago
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