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mazan4's Posts

Re: on the other hand

 I do not blame anyone it was my decison to buy, but that doesn't mean no one can express his opinion, frustration.I have following concern and smell fishy to me,,

1- No mentioning progress in detector or vcsel, if it is delyed its bad and if they have it and don't tell us that's worset!

2-All the big names from GB is worried me and smell conspiracy.

3. Look like new CFO calling everything jump very fast to BOD  in expense of retail shaerholders, he doesn't have good track and shaky background. He dictated that we do not have right to know what the heck going on.

4- DL became smoke screen for Poet which I initially invested in .


My self played like a sheep and follow them, believeing in there roomers for long and feel guilty not anymore


So I ask managment why SP.35 cent where is our Detector and VCSEL progress that.s all I want and don't care about DL.


over 7 years ago
Re: What I don't like

That's exactly my fear. Shaerholders better to get organised before it is too late!!

over 7 years ago
Re: I'm going to just throw this out here.......


I agree I don't have any disclosed information just expressing my opinion, No one will be happier than me If PTK is Successful. I have disclosed information in the past and put on the board  still I feel stupid and naive about that. So I don't need there disclosed information I need real progress. I learn painfully not to be used again, Sorry I lost my believe and trust in Managment , Show me the result then I will believe.

over 7 years ago
Re: Said it before, I'll say it again...

I agree with you A Beautiful Poem that is my fears too.


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mahatma Gandhi

So I made that clear to the company if that happen ever, I am personaly and few other big Shareholders ready to fight, certainly I have a lot of ammunition the company had made same statements in past can be hold against them, never afraid to fight for my right win or lose !!!



over 7 years ago
Re: I'm going to just throw this out here.......

I don't beleive  anything more unless it is proven by action, the NR look positive ,but I refuse to beleive with out prove of real progress in VCSEL and DETECTOR. I have heard many times in  the past  personaly and privitely that we are in the bed with multi billion$ company's nothing came through !!! .The SP at 37 Cent!!!! In last AGM I was there and told there is no need for PP, and VCSEL will be done in weeks or month not qurters !!! 7 month since and no news. I don't care about DL when I investerd 6 years ago all was about POET not DL.

over 7 years ago

No cheap sale for me with 9.3M Shares stay till the end either lose it all or multi milioner.!!!

almost 8 years ago
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