maxdollar's Profile

maxdollar's Posts

Over Valued???

Why would the Morning Star rating on the RBC quote page go from "under valued" to "over valued" I would say we are more Under Valued than ever......Weird!

over 8 years ago
Re: September

How can you even mention NASDAQ? At the rate we're going today we will be lucky if we're still listed on the venture by noontime. This is totally disgusting. We should be well north of 3.00 at this stage of development and here we sit south of a dollar once again :(

about 9 years ago
Re: PP & Staphane´s Bonus - Shareprice

I hope the bonus wasn't to reward him for his skill at predicting


about 9 years ago
Re: Happy

Please speak for yourself on the 20 cents. If you really want to sell your shares for that price, let me know and I'll buy them.

over 9 years ago
Re: Thursday 's

if one follows the logic of what you're saying in a certain direction, doesn't it suggest that management are the ones manipulating the SP and perhaps have been all along? Would this even be legal?.......just asking.

Obviously, someone is - but who???

IMO the SP should be north of $3.00 purly on specluation alone based on recent developments and anouncements. Yet, here we are spinning our wheels in the $1.60's range for a while now. Why???

I still believe this will go through the roof and we will have our day but for the moment this is very frustrating to say the least.

over 9 years ago
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