mascar11's Profile

mascar11's Posts

Re: Bankruptcy as explained to me- US Bankruptcy Courts

This is disappointing - I thought we were just waiting on the books to close? Now we don't have all the money this late in the game? Share price is reflecting bad news upcoming...

almost 13 years ago
POG and Kry

Hate to see what's happening to our share price, but if things do work out (i.e. permit, POG continues to rise) and the media gets ahold of this thing, there is no reason why this could not end up being the stock of the year (or at least 4th quarter!).

almost 14 years ago
Something just doesn't seem right

Sure hope I'm wrong, but I just can't help but think with the lack of interest (volume) and shareprice remaining around .36/.37, something just doesn't add up. With all the great news on the horizon, why isn't there more interest? Is all of the info being held that close to the vest?

Guess I'm just seeing the glass half empty today...

almost 14 years ago
Re: Nothing Like.....

Would hope we would want to underpromise and over deliver on these dates

about 14 years ago
Lack of Interest this week?

I must say, given the somewhat lack of interest as we approach an announcement this week, I'm not anticipating much of a move when the JV announcement is made. Or if there is a move, anticipating it will come right back down.

Guess all anyone wants to hear is "PERMIT"


about 14 years ago
below .40

Why in the world are we below .40 when, with the recent news, we are so much better off than when we were recently in the .50's. Frustrating!!

about 14 years ago
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