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martinshaun's Posts

whats the deal ?

might be off topic but here goes anyway, moderators can delete this if they feel the need -  got a message from agoracom that someone reported me for violation of rules ?

if you have an issue with me have the courage to tell me, I do feel I am an ethical person and if I offend anyone I would like an opportunity to correct.  reasonable discussion as mature adults is a good thing to do. 


over 7 years ago
Re: inside information.

you are correct, stock going up is all I ned to care about.

as for your comment about me making no sense I was just summarizing the posts made by you, macod and bouts.

people are all over the place on opinions, some get more information than others and you know that to be true, the majority believe there is something fishy going on because company has not done its job as far as reporting and the stock price and interest proves it.

I like what you say about the future and would like to believe it, just need some proof- I dont get calls from connected people, I dont know what the Q will contain - you do because you keep saying you do, if you know then someone told you ? 

we need something real, we need proof and we need actions and we need stock to go up !  once it does then we will all love each other and all this will be water under the bridge.

over 7 years ago
inside information.

penny says we going to make millions and says he is a consultant and gets calls daily.  macod says he knows the truth about the company and does not see hope, we need a miracle he says,

penny tells macod call bouts and bouts will fill him in, so bouts has inside info as well.

 wow, what he hell is going on here, does not sound good at all.

over 7 years ago
Re: who is right or who is wrong?

its good to see you have confidence that is based on information that others obviously dont have access to.

whatever the reason I hope its as good as you say, I did buy down at the low levels and am looking good right now, have been tempted to sell but I may wait.

if there are revenues and management changes there is no reason why we cant go up once the reports are filed. just need to get the damm reports done.

over 7 years ago
Re: who is right or who is wrong?

c'mon paul lets at least see something !!   lets see anything better than nothing.

over 7 years ago
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