marknicklaus's Profile

marknicklaus's Posts

Re: Time for 'Gold Fox Metals'?

I have always felt that we have either an industrial metals play with the copper or we have a precious metals play with gold and silver. Either way we have to wait for the cycles to be right for one or the other. And, we have to wait for EE to get his price. Those are the only two things that will move this stock and when they do I believe we will all be very happy. Until then, waiting, waiting, waiting..........

over 7 years ago
Re: Metal Prices

I have followed Jim Rickards as well. But if you want the original person whom I believe many of the so called "cyclical analyts" get their info from, try Martin Armstrong's blog @ I think you will find a more comprehensive view point of the global flow of assets and how that impacts prices from one currency to the next. He also tracks every market, economy and political cycle on the planet with his propietary AI platform, Socrates. His program takes the human emotional bias out and just tracks what is really happening in multiple timeframes.


PS still holding for the long term payout, 387,500 shares

almost 8 years ago
Re: Teck sells another asset

Or a stock swap for SC and new shares issued for the rest of CF. Remember, CF has already split into a different organizational structure for this very purpose. JMHO

almost 9 years ago
Re: Teck sells another asset

Ya Know, I read this BB every day probably more out of habit after lo these many years, but havn't felt the need to participate in the banter on a regular basis. It has been entertaining to say the least.

To answer your question, anything is possible, but I try to look at what the money, EE, is most likely to do and that tells me to monetize this asset for the right amount as soon as possible with the least amount of tax liability. With the current macroeconomic environment it is best wait to get the most value going forward. So we wait with positive expectations, otherwise why are we here?

That being said, I will go back to my other life for now.

GLTA Longs

almost 9 years ago
Re: Teck sells another asset

I don't think CF is interested in selling all of CF, just SC.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Teck sells another asset

LMAO! No but I have called him a few times.

almost 9 years ago
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