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makemyday21's Posts

Re: LBSR newbie

Thank ex...

I spent some time reading up on this company, and saw some posts on IH that boiled things down to a few facts I could understand.

Looks like someone found a land records document over the weekend that shows the properties in Alaska have been transferred to U5 a subsidiary/holding company of NAK, so the assumption is that the deal is done.

How that will affect stock price, I have no idea, but I'm in and considering going in further....


about 14 years ago
LBSR newbie

Hi All,

I'm new to this board. Just got into LBSR at .04 after seeing it mentioned on another board.

Man are they pumping there. Scares me.

There is talk of a big announcement/JV.....can anyone tell me what's in the works?

Is there anything other than rumors floating around, or does someone have a report or press release to provide some hard facts?

Any help appreciated.


about 14 years ago
Re: Chen Lin ......."poised for breakout"


Thanks for reminding me of this interview. It was from earlier in July, but still noteworthy.

I have a limit order in at .53 and it's sitting unfilled while the price is at .53.

anyone have the Level II info?


about 14 years ago
Re: Ignorance is no excuse for some comments on this board

I must say that I was quite surprised at the response my posting received.

I was under the impression that this was a forum for the sharing of ideas, not for the judgement of and insulting of the forum members who do not share common ideas and thoughts.

I would welcome a civilized discussion as I do not profess to be an expert in anything, however I was not prepared for a response usually reserved for or Yahoo message boards.

Count me in with the rest of the forum members who have either left or faded away, taking with them sincere, and sometimes well-thought-out views on Tyhee, etc. that could have made this board something more than what it has become.


about 14 years ago
At times like these...'s instructive to review the facts.

Here is a link to the GoldMinerPulse report on Tyhee.

It looks like it has not been updated to reflect the results of the PFS, however it does lay out all the data in one place that may be helpful to revisit.

The numbers are all there.....the Metal Value per Share is in the $10 range. No one can dispute the numbers. The company is grossly undervalued, but you can say that about every junior I own. Some say that GLD (and similar) ETFs have killed the leverage offered by gold equities, and juniors in particular. I believe that is part of the equation, but the other part may be the growing number of startup gold exploration companies. There are more names out there competing for attention from the investing community.

Also, investor risk can be mitigated by focussing on companies that are close to production, or already in small-scale production with the potential for more discoveries within their property portfolios. The upside can still be substantial with these, and the difficult steps of going through PFS, FS, DAR, permitting, etc are already done. Tyhee has no chance to generate revenue for several years, and with so many other juniors sitting on reserves, with permits in hand, it is hard to get excited about Tyhee. Would you rather own a company that has some drill results, a PFS and hopes, or one that has a mill in place and running, maybe without that big of a resource, BUT is generating revenue?

I have previously posted a link to John Doody's timeline of a gold company that shows what to expect the SP to do as all the milestones are passed. Tyhee is following the graph as expected, but the market has punished stocks that have not been able to "move the ball forward" in a timely way, and as we know Tyhee has had delays. Confidence in mgt wanes when this happens. The perception is left that something is not quite right. Mr. Webb has been unable to both garner attention for Tyhee from the investment community, or to provide enough progress/results to keep any momentum going/instill confidence in new investors. (Even Mr. Puplava may be disgruntled apparently).

No doubt, we are all mulling the possibility of selling our positions and moving on to greener pastures. If your time horizon for getting to production/bought out (making some money on this stock) is short, it may be best to get out now. That is for each individual to decide for him/herself.

I will be hanging on in the hopes that Mr. Webb finds a JV partner, or sells out for at least what my avg cost is.

If I take a loss eventually, I can only blame myself for listening to Jim Puplava. I know I am not alone in this regard.

As a final thought, it would be interesting to know what percentage of Tyhee's investors became so via Jim Puplava. Maybe Baires can start a poll/question for that.


about 14 years ago
Re: Malbec in YK and Tyhee Gold in Buenos Aires


Thanks, but I'll stick with Merlot over Malbec. I told you I'd bought some, but boy did it give me a hangover.

Question: Did Ming Fung jewelry fashion those wedding bands for Mr. Webb?

On another note, I noticed that another junior explorer is offering a dividend in physical gold once it gets to production.

I like that idea! Anyone else on board with that?

over 14 years ago
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