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Re: Realities of a startup in a trillion dollar world


You quoted ..... “2015 Feb, Peter Copetti at the CIC "we have got sort of everything lined up, all of our ducks are lined up


He was thinking of licensing the technology.


Now we have a much more robust company that can make it's own products that customers will be able to test for themselves giving them much more confidence to license technology from Poet as well.


over 7 years ago
Re: Realities of a startup in a trillion dollar world

Poet needs to be ready to meet the demand for the new products before they release the prototypes for testing.

After customers have tested the prototypes they will want them yesturday and they will not tolarate delays.

I suspect the new products are ready but they have found ways to improve them while they waite for all the production facilities to be ready.

Poet needs to get all its ducks in a row before leaving the trenches and storming the markets.


over 7 years ago
Re: Never seen a stock trade like this ?

I think new shareholders will be selling shares and holding on to their free warrants.

They are not afraid of making a small loss at todays price because they see the

potential of the five year warrants.

This selling could cap the share price for some time.

almost 8 years ago
My View

It is too early to come to any solid conclusions about this company until we have more news but it seems that shareholders and the management were too optimistic about the amount of money needed to get the various project to fulfillment and keep them under Poet’s control.
Over the last six months the impatient ones and the glass half empty people have been whittling away at the share price reaching a climax just at the time Poet needed to raise money.
Management appears to have made some poor decisions as well.
The people being offered the new shares could see the last six months of declining share price and decided that if they were to take the risk of taking up the share offer they needed a cheap price. They would not have had the time to fully understand the technology of Poet.
Poet needs a product to show the world what it can do and what it could do.
Hopefully we will have news of progress this week that can start the move back up to the right.

almost 8 years ago
Poet Has The Technology.

THe likes of Google, Apple and Intel would throw millions if not billions into a project such as Poet is accomplishing. They would have hundreds if not thousands working on it and 98% would be paper shuffelers. People in small companies work hard. They would need ten people to replace one Poet worker.

Poet has the technology but they don't, and will have to watch from the sidelines.

almost 8 years ago

We create our reality with our beliefs and expectations.

almost 8 years ago
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