mackentire's Profile

My name is Jordie. I'm originally from Vancouver Island, living in Calgary now. Brand new to investing so I'm looking to learn as much as I can.

mackentire's Posts

Re: Minera Elemento 79 S.A

I'm just curious as to why people like "Mr Abe" can't spell or use proper diction in their posts. When considering which opinions to take into account that kind of thing is generally a dealbreaker.

lol! What a fool. IMO

about 11 years ago
Re: Success is measured in dollars and cents...not smoke and mirrors

It doesn't make any sense to me how anyone could keep their job while displaying such blatent incompetence over such a long period of time. A CEO of any publicly traded company has the responsibility to create, maintain and/or increase the value of the company for the benefit of the shareholders. The fact that she has not been fired a long time ago simply boggles my mind. It's absolutely aggrivating and the whole episode has left me with a total lack of confidence with regard to investing any more money into the Canadian market as a whole. Nothing has been done about this nonsense on any level be it the tsx or the bcsc or anyone else from what I've seen. I for one will be looking more into foreign markets for investment opportunities, venture or otherwise.

Of course this is all in my own opinion. I wouldn't want to risk defamation charges. :-(

about 11 years ago
Re: Selling stock at this point will get you nowhere.Too many questions unanswered.

I agree, someone is underhandedly driving the SP down in order to aquire shares. The other day, news is released and the SP plummets. If I remember correctly volume was around 300000. Next day, volume is at around 1.2 million. Strange...

over 12 years ago
Re: Tidbits from Last Night -1 more

Great stuff guys! Things are getting exciting!

over 12 years ago
Re: When the ship comes in

Thanks for the responses guys!

Let's hope some big news breaks soon and our value goes north!


over 12 years ago
When the ship comes in

Hi everyone,

Scenario 1: Stock is put on hold and we hear a news release: St. Elias has an economical gold deposit at Tesoro. Tesoro hasn't yet been sold, but it's on the market for the big guns. SP rises to 10$/share

Scenario 2: Stock is put on hold and we hear a news release: St. Elias has an economical gold deposit and has been sold to a major gold mining company. SP rises to 10$/share

My question is, what would be a more favourable route: sell due to a high SP? Or hold on in the hopes of a large cash dividend?

I appologize because I am brand new to the world of investing. I own what I feel is a fair amount of SLI stock for my bankroll and if/when the time comes I want to make the right decision. I realize that any responses are purely personal opinions and I will not make any decision based on them. I'm just curious as to what others think.

Thanks, Mack

over 12 years ago
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