macara's Profile

macara's Posts

Re: Patience

prob like yourself, I have been in this (sgr and others) a long time; I'd like to believe that ultimately, nature will prevail

they say patience is a virtue..I def have a better understanding of that statement now

do you see this making a turn later this year?


about 12 years ago
Re: ...COU.... PP

my cheque cashed as well Friday...thanks HM

about 15 years ago
would really like to know...

how many here buy into Jim S position about a sustained top in au...from a recent posting:

This time when gold goes up it stays up and does not do its 1980 disappearing act. There will be no need to sell.

Looking for the top of the gold price is a major waste of time.


over 15 years ago
Re: TSE stock price sticker is Down

allowing for the strange times we live in, I'll bet you used to be a stand-up comic....and yes, the S&P getting %%%%kicked is inevitable

over 15 years ago
Re: Are we facing the, "Sell in May and go away syndrome again in 2009!"

To say that we are at the beginning stages of "strange times" is obvious.

The present situation in Pakistan is a case in point.

I believe that traditional approaches like "sell in May" wrt companies like San will prove to be folly.

over 15 years ago
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