m102370's Profile

m102370's Posts

Re: Wanna form a class?

When a person realizes enough is enough, there is no time sooner to act than right away.

Where did you get that, from a fortune cookie?

It even has the poor sentence structure to boot.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Can you imagine?

I agree with your approach YN. You're right, if people want to vent then let them have at it. I mean honestly, where's the harm? The world's eyes are on CUU, but it's laughable to think that what's written on this forum could somehow change the ultimate ending to this great story. If it isn't factless bashing (or hyping), who cares? These proactive approaches and "ending discussions" are stifling the conversation.

In any case, I'll be holding until the story is finished.

about 12 years ago
Re: delay again?

I agree that personal attacks are never needed but I don't think there is anything wrong with encouraging a certain standard of posting. It gets painful to read posts that look like a kid wrote them. You're right, I can just ignore certain posters but then I might miss the occasional gem and it also sometimes makes the threads difficult to follow. Good forums moderate content, great forums moderate formatting as well.

about 12 years ago
Re: delay again?

For whatever it's worth my gut says things will be different this time but meh. The news releases have led me to believe that CF finally has all of it's ducks in a row but in reality we won't know anything for sure until the big NR drops or September has come and gone. I agree that the PPs are similar but this time we can point to Arizona as (at least part of) the reason.

about 12 years ago
Re: delay again?

The gestapo are out in force over there. Internet power is a scary thing (I don't know why we need 10 hub leaders...). In any case, people continually point to the fact that Elmer has said everything will be on time. Of course, that's been the case with virtually ever delay in the past. I sincerely hope this time is different but only time will tell.

about 12 years ago
Re: Frustrating

Does it really matter where we trade at day-to-day? No. What matters is the final buyout and this has been the case for some time. The company also manages to consistently miss deadlines so hoping for a change here won't ease your pain either. So either give some well-deserved faith to Elmer and sit tight or find another company poised to erupt like CUU. I'd suggest the former.

about 12 years ago
Washington, D.C.
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