lumpenbangen's Profile

a.k.a. Dr. Idel Dreimer

lumpenbangen's Posts

Re: News release and share price

Yes--maybe nobody knows. Normally my BMO Investorline account indicates news releases for my holdings. Today--in spite of the San Gold release-- there is nothing, followed, consecutively, by zip, zero, nada, and zilch. No wonder conspiracy theories are so popular.

(Dr. Idel Dreimer)

about 13 years ago
Re: Once more....with feeling

Bravo, Fred! It rhymes, it scans, it scores!

almost 14 years ago
Re: the bloom is off the rose...or does geology trump goofiness?

It looks as though wpgmoney may be right–we couldn’t get the TSX listing with the March 43-101. The big delay in listing has been a mystery. The fact that this September’s 43-101 was significantly NOT ballyhooed-- and seems to indicate that several thousand ounces of gold fell off the back of a truck-- would suggest there was something amiss with the original estimate, and this one was rushed in to replace it.

It would not be surprising if SGR has, in the short term, lost its image as a solid mover and worthy repository of faith and will, for some time, wear the seedy mantle associated with over-promising politicians or used car hustlers. Believers may need three miracles a week to be brought back into the fold.

The company keeps on finding gold, and it will be a puzzle if gold does not continue to appreciate as countries attempt to inflate their way out of enormous debts.

My bet is that geology will eventually trump goofiness, but, in the long run, as John Maynard Keynes pointed out, we are all dead.

Despite the risks, it is tempting to look elsewhere. The advantages that SGR should have–positive cash flow and a TSX listing which makes it loan-worthy in margin accounts–are not, at this point, factors.







about 14 years ago
Re: Nice Pop

Yes--nice to own other juniors: consider DNG--which no one has ever heard of--up 26% today.


about 14 years ago
Re: Funny re: Made a call by beaver - mbgld

Having owned shares in San Gold since 2007–I share your dissatisfaction. It’s hard to believe–but I used actually to be naive enough to have conversations with the IR department. A couple of years ago (if my memory serves) I was told that a 43-101 was imminent. The impression given was that the listing on the TSX itself was pretty much a formality–all the niggling paperwork was completed, and once the 43-101 was presented–why–it would be only about a month before the listing took place. Over the many months, that story changed. At the PDAC Trade show in February of 2009, Hugh Wynne said that they “hoped” to have it out by the end of March; in October, 2009, at a San Gold presentation in Toronto, Dale Ginn said the report was being “buttoned down.” We can only assume that the report bore a remarkable similarity to a black velvet suit worn by King Francis I in 1520–which contained 13,400 buttons, and there was a self- imposed handicap of ninety fastenings per day: the report came out in March of this year.

Again, if my memory serves, the listing was applied for on April 26 of this year; four months later: nothing. I know nothing of the usual procedures–but one would hardly think the TSX could be that dramatically inefficient.

My take: Hugh and Dale with a good idea, a lot of moxie, and considerable luck, have turned yesterday’s leftovers into a promising feast. But–it’s their baby: shareholders are a necessity, but a rather inconvenient one: a brood of someone else’s noisy children which, unaccountably, has been given rights of residence and a claim on the family table scraps in a castle they consider their own. This is not a shareholder-sensitive management team–nor will it ever be. It’s just the nature of human nature.

That being said–let the complaints roll on! There is an old Spanish Proverb: Quien calla, otorga: He who is silent, gives consent.

about 14 years ago
Re: In Regards to Global Warming

Ali: You're quite right, of course; I am making the assumption that the book is based on the series of articles published under the same name. The book might well turn out to be about something completely different--although since climate is Solomon's area of expertise, I doubt it.

over 14 years ago
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