luckylou's Profile

luckylou's Posts


Still lots of pressure on this stock. Creating another bying op!!!

about 13 years ago
last releae 3 weeks ago

for drill results and indicated more results overv the course of 2 months for 16 holes. Time to hit the refresh button. Even if the markets are down. release good news and get some of that loose money floating around. we are a bargain at 20c

about 13 years ago
Re: drilling

BANG ON" Kwg is anxious to porve up mnore value and they have nothing to drill in Mcfaulds so why not lend your expertise and knowledge to your partner. Who is doing the paYING? UC or KWG or CLFs or alll 3.

Bravo thanks for waking up UC Bruce

about 13 years ago
moving forward

positives : DDI distribution is iminent @ 100 shares per thousand and at .30c dividend of 30.00 per 1000 or .03 cents a share.......not a bad dividend for a company with no income...

positive: Canada Chrome is leading the way and hastily so, to develope the road in to the potential mines. (dont know if we will cash in directly from CCC because it is slated basically to be a gift to the First Nations..) in any event this will greatly facilitate the development of the area and grant us the oportunity to prosper further.

negative ; Politics dont make great bed fellows. The beast is far too slow moving and fikle.

negative; Although I dont get the impression that Clifs is particularly upset with KWG anymore, I think they still look upon KWG as an investment and a target, and as such we are vulnerable to there fancy. If clifs wants to crash our shareprice, they or their buddies can flood the market and dictate price... i have no doubt on that point and or sit on the project till doomsday.

Negative; the question on Ft shares for the railroad and the ppp are going to be put on the backburner. No one wants to make a decision at this time so close to election.

Outcome; waiting for the good card to come on the RIVER. next spring. Still bery much a cra shoot as to when we will cash out.


about 13 years ago
Re: An incredible 1 person Public Relations dept...

there was too much hype from the start to make it apear not valuable. The biggies already knew or suspected value and are waiting for some other cog to drop. what is keeping the price supressed right now is the absence of news and general fgn and domestic economies.

The money in gold right now makes it not available for other metals and exploration.

just like minerals, money is in FINITE SUPLY.

long on not even though it is at times very dificult, and only taking a breath every second time

about 13 years ago
Re: An incredible 1 person Public Relations dept...

maybe someone should clue him in, flying that low is a plan to get your wings and landing gear caught in the brush...and get his ass ets looking towards the stars. to clear these obsticles

about 13 years ago
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