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Rennova Health Inc (NASDAQ:RNVA)

RNVA SP yesterday: +35% on 35M volume


Today (9:49AM EST) already 16M volume.


October 17th, 2016

POET Technologies Appoints Thomas R. Mika as Chief Financial Officer

Mika currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Rennova Health



over 7 years ago
Re: A*Star and POET

Sounds stupid, but still thinking about the last financing conditions...contradictory, but I certainly carry on hoping now that the ability to raise funds is not an indicator - in the special case of PTK - of where they stand in terms of technological advancements, in particular with partners.

NDAs and secretive (to public/retail shareholders) developments usually can not stop potential partners/investors to show their interest, especially as any breakthrough technology always requires large amount of cash injections.

Waiting for prototypes for a de facto revaluation of the share price.


over 7 years ago
EpiWorks Launches Major Expansion of MOCVD Production Capacity

CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, ILLINOIS – March 19th, 2014 – Today, EpiWorks, a leading developer and manufacturer of compound semiconductor epitaxy, announced a major multi-faceted expansion of its production capacity.

“A clear migration toward applications that require significantly higher volumes, particularly in the area of optical materials and photonics is underway. The markets include consumer electronics, sensors and displays, digital projection, and data communications. As the leader in the manufacture and development of high performance compound semiconductor products, we are pleased to announce a major increase in capacity. This is part of an aggressive, long-term production capacity roadmap to satisfy increasing demand from photonic and RF customers,” said Nick Kolarich, Director of Sales and Marketing at EpiWorks.

The expansion increases the ability to produce high volumes of 4-inch and 6-inch wafers for VCSELs, edge-emitting lasers, detectors and photovoltaics with an industry leading cost structure. The new capacity includes upgrades to existing tools and the latest Aixtron 2800 G4 MOCVD technology. This allows EpiWorks to quickly and seamlessly satisfy customer demand while providing greater flexibility for new product development.

“For many years EpiWorks has been the leading US-based manufacturing and development partner for novel and advanced photonic and optical devices. Our customers have leveraged our development expertise to commercialize numerous complex advanced technologies from the lab into next generation photonic products. We are excited to now see our high-volume manufacturing expertise enabling proliferation of these products under stringent specifications and at low cost,” explained Quesnell Hartmann, EpiWorks CEO.

over 8 years ago
Re: Apple 3D camera and VCSEL

PTK could bring better hardware to their speciality, which remain software (reading coded light through specials algorithms)

about 9 years ago
Re: CEA Leti: FD-SOI

  • Demonstrator chip fabricated in 28nm FDSOI (Mar. 2014)

    • Showcased suite of novel low power design techniques

    • Power savings confirmed - well correlated with simulation

    • Variability tolerance designed in to maximise manufacturing robustness


    • Ultra Low Power SP SRAM developed for 28nm FDSOI

      Dynamic power savings >50%
      Static power savings >20% (much more with back bias)

    • High Performance at Low Voltages

      Simulated down to 0.7V
      450MHz cycle time

    • Available end Q2’15

    • Customisation possible

    • Flexible engagement model

    >> FDSOI provides elegant transition from bulk CMOS

about 9 years ago
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