loosefer's Profile

loosefer's Posts

Re: Sprott files ownership position for AUM

Very nice! Stock moving nicely today :)

almost 13 years ago
Re: prophecies

Project Camelot Conf.- George Green An Insiders View of the Big Picture Whats Really Going On?

Copy and paste link


almost 13 years ago
Re: There is Hope - NOT

Very well put Zipper... overall I am very optimistic about where things are going. We are literally witnessing consciousness rise. Sometimes, its darkest right before the light. Of course, for the people who are close-minded and stuck in their way of thinking, inflexible, it will be an incredibly difficult time- because things are changing so fast. As Bruce Lee says, be like water.

Gildage I like your posts and I understand your point, but the system is attempting to protect itself and that is an act of desperation. When you're desperate- you don't always have a choice... the system is "pot committed" (poker term) to itself. If people are aware then they can't be manipulated. Eventually people will refuse to fight against each other and look to those truly responsible. When that happens the elite had better watch out! And they are... sure the insanity is going to be stepped up (and the volatility!) but just stay positive and never be scared... ever. Whats the worst that can happen? You die? Death is the ultimate trip and the great equalizer... accept your fate and enjoy the ride. Smile


almost 13 years ago
David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations

For your listening pleasure

David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations


almost 13 years ago
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