longforcash's Profile

Born in 1948 in San Mateo Ca.(S.F. Bay Area) Grew up in Menlo Park, Ca.(next to Stanford University) and Los Altos, Ca. Went to Homestead High School in Sunnyvale, Ca. (same shcool that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak went to 4 years later)and majored in surfing at Santa Cruz, Ca. Enlisted in U.S. Navy (because I didn't want to be drafted into the Army or Marines)and spent the next 4 years as an aviation firecontrol,radar specialist. Serving 1 tour overseas in Vietnam on the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Ticonderoga. Was discharged in 1971 and returned home (to what was now Silicon Valley) to attend college for a Photography major (when I should have been getting a job in electronics in Silicon Valley with my Navy training). I graduated in 1974 with my degree and started work as a photographer, but after 2 years I decided that there just wasn't going to be enough income in that profession, so a photographer friend, who had married wealth, started a construction business building mansions for the new wealthy of Silicon Valley... That was where I remained (in construction )for the next 35 years, and have just finished building a 40 acre estate for one of the "Valley's" early Venture Capitalist, the project took 2 1/2 years of my life, and now I'm trying "retirement" on for size to see how it fits...so far I'm loving it! I don't have to get up to an alarm clock and stress out through the day....and the mid-week fishing on the lake is great because its not crowded like the week-ends were! I now have more time to watch over my investments, of which ARU (AUREF.PK)is my favorite and should help me to enjoy my retirement in a comfortable fashion. Best Regards, Long for Cash

longforcash's Posts

Re: Exciting Times at Ruby High... next week

Well Guys,

You were right! The drill results from most of this summer jsut got released today....

and they are outstanding! ...with good progress on the drift ! ...bulk sampling soon!!

Here is that news release:


Press Release Source: Rubicon Minerals Corporation On Wednesday August 18, 2010, 9:20 am EDT


- 0.54 oz/ton gold over 14.8 feet plus 22.0 oz/ton gold over 1.6 feet
at 4331 to 4580 feet below surface -
- drift to F2 Core Zone reaches halfway point - on schedule to reach
target in October 2010 -

VANCOUVER, Aug. 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Rubicon Minerals Corporation (RMX:TSX: / RBY:NYSE-AMEX) is pleased to provide an update of the latest diamond drill results at its 100% owned Phoenix Gold Project, located in the heart of the prolific Red Lake Gold District of Ontario. All new drill results are shown in Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2. Emerging gold zone outlines of the F2 Gold System are shown in Figure 3.

Deep drilling in target area 8 confirms gold mineralizing system continues to depth

Recent drilling of deep target area 8 from both underground and surface has returned positive gold results in the southwestern part of the F2 Gold System at depth (Figure 1 and 2). Underground drill hole 305-06 intersected 0.54 oz/ton gold over 14.8 feet (18.6 g/t gold over 4.5 metres), and is part of a wider intercept grading 0.32 oz/ton gold over 29.5 feet (10.9 g/t gold over 9.0 metres) at a vertical depth of 4580 feet (1396 metres) below surface. Surface holes F2-100A and F2-100A-W1, testing target areas 5 and 8 intersected multiple gold zones including a bonanza hit of 22.0 oz/ton gold over 1.6 feet (754.2 g/t gold over 0.5 metres) at a vertical depth of 4331 feet (1320 metres) below surface in drill hole F2-100A and 4.16 oz/t gold over 1.6 feet (142.6 g/t gold over 0.5m) within a broader zone grading 0.27 oz/t gold over 31.5 feet (9.2 g/t gold over 9.6 metres) at a vertical depth of 3563 feet (1086 metres) below surface in drill hole F2-100A-W1 (Table 1 and Figure 2).

These results begin to fill in the deep target areas and demonstrate that the robust F2 Gold System, as documented by over 492,000 feet (150,000 metres) of drilling to date, continues to depth.

Drilling in target area 5 expands the 122-10 Zone to depth

The F2 Gold System is comprised of several zones identified to date: the F2 Core Zone, the Crown Zone, the 102 Zone in the Northern Extension Area, the Hanging Wall Zone, the 122-40 Zone and the 122-10 Zone (Figure 3). Drill hole 122-67 was designed to test approximately 820 feet (250 metres) below the 122-10 Zone (named after the discovery hole announced September 14, 2009 that intersected 0.40 oz/ton gold over 147.3 feet (13.7 g/t gold over 44.9 metres) including a higher grade section of 0.83 oz/t gold over 59.0 feet (28.4 g/t gold over 18.0 metres)). Drill hole 122-67 intersected 0.48 oz/ton gold over 16.7 feet (16.3 g/t gold over 5.1 metres) including 1.16 oz/t gold over 3.3 feet (39.9 g/t gold over 1.0 metres) at a vertical depth of 3087 feet (941 metres) below surface (Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2) and further extends the 122-10 Zone to depth.

Underground drift on the 305 metre level at halfway point - on target to reach F2 Core Zone in October

The 305 metre level drift (1001 feet) is designed to provide access for both definition drilling and bulk sampling of the F2 Core Zone. As of July 31, the drift reached the halfway point and is on schedule to access the F2 Core Zone by October 2010. A new drill station was set-up at the halfway point and three drills are now turning on the 305 metre level. This latest drill station allows for more cost-efficient drilling due to its closer proximity to the gold bearing zones discovered to date in the central F2 Gold System. Upon completion of the drift in October, Rubicon plans to establish a cross drift and up to four drill stations to be used for the definition drilling of the F2 Core Zone.

Rubicon plans to commence in August, 2010 the excavation of a second egress (a second underground exit to surface) from the 305 metre level as this is a Provincial regulatory requirement to permit mining from underground. The Company has also secured an option to purchase a larger hoist than currently on site, to allow for the project's potential mining capacity to be increased up to 2000 tonnes per day.

Rubicon Minerals Corporation is a well-funded exploration and development company, focused on exploring and developing its high-grade gold discovery at its Phoenix project in Red Lake, Ontario. Rubicon controls over 65,000 acres (100 square miles) of prime exploration ground in the prolific Red Lake gold district of Ontario which hosts Goldcorp's high-grade, world class Red Lake Mine. Rob McEwen, President and CEO of McEwen Capital and former Chairman and CEO of Goldcorp, owns 21.4% of the issued shares of the Company.


Best Regards,

Long for Cash

about 14 years ago
Re: Kinross adds another continent and mine - Redback

notie girl,

When we all got our shares from Kinross after the buyout of ARU, the first thing I did was look for the "exit door" in regards to those warrants! I didn't get much for them, but I did put that money back to "work" by buying shares of RBY and SLW...which have gone up well.

I sure thought I was going to stay long with Kinross until The Fruta del Norte was a production mine, but after the ARU lesson, I have changed my prospective areas of mining investment to only include companies that are mining in North America! That may seem limiting to some....but very prudent to others!!

Canada, Alaska, Nevada, and some of the better Mexican properties (that are held by US or Canadian companies) like UXG or MVG.

Right now RBY , Fire River and San Gold are my favorite picks...

My longterm positive stocks have been SLW and UXG...

My long short speculation stocks are Bravo Gold, FCO (FMETF), MNEAF and Golden Tag (GOG )...

Best Regards from a poster from the past...

Long fr Cash

about 14 years ago
Re: Target Price

Hello Safeharbour,

I haven't seen you around for awhile...I have wondered since our last messaging how you cruising was going! I have finished my moving to Oregon last week, because we were able to sell our home in Calif. and had to move the last of our furniture to the new home.

Have really started enjoying a slower lifestyle in my retirement, and have now set myself up with the proper gear for fishing around this new area....lots of salmon fishing rivers and ocean fishing to be explored now that I'm free from moving...though we still have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do here at the new house.

As for Minera Andes, I think that the copper discovery of theirs will be a large factor in their share price soon...If they can develope the copper mine soon enough to provide the resources that China will be searching all over the world for!! I believe that Rob McEwen will be a leading force in the company's future.

Best Regards,

Long for Cash

about 14 years ago
Re: Company Update

It sure is good to sree some news that is favorable for Golden Tag!!!

Best Regards,

Long for Cash

about 14 years ago
Bravo has results from this year's drilling very soon...

This year's drill season is underway and the results will be due very soon. The results are looking favorable for more new discoveries!

Homestake Ridge - Update

Bravo also reported that work is progressing well at its Homestake Ridge project located 32 kilometeres south of Stewart in northwest British Columbia.

Crews and two drill rigs have been active on the property since mid-June. Eight drill holes, comprising 3240 metres of the anticipated +12,000 metre program have been completed to date.

Five of the completed drill holes test lateral and down-dip extensions of the Homestake Silver deposit offsetting hole HR09-165, which returned two thick mineralized intervals: a shallower interval of 14.5 metres (est. true thickness) averaging 4.8g/t gold and 2.1g/t silver and a deeper interval of 24.4 metres averaging 12.1g/t gold and 6.8g/t silver.

Three of the completed drill holes test surface anomalies in the East Valley geophysical zone, one of six geophysical exploration targets identified in the 630-line kilometre airborne geophysical program conducted last season and located 1000 metres due east of the Main Homestake deposit. One hole, HR10-169, which targeted the Homestake Silver deposit required re-alignment and was stopped prior to target depth. Logging and sampling of the core is in progress. Core samples from several of these initial holes have been submitted for assay, results are pending.

Drilling continues on the Homestake Silver deposit while drilling has now started on the North Dome, target located 1.5 kilometres northeast of the Main Homestake deposit.

About Bravo

Bravo Gold Corp has a 100 percent interest in the Homestake Ridge project located in a prolific mineral belt in northwestern British Columbia. The project is being advanced as a potential high-grade underground mining operation with a current NI43-101 compliant Indicated Resource, at a 3.0 g/t AuEq. cut-off, of 191,000 ozs gold and 1,350,000 ozs silver plus an Inferred Resource of 348,000 ozs gold and 7,990,000 ozs silver (1). Two deposits have been indentified to date and multiple exploration targets remain to be tested on the large, 2761ha property. Bravo also holds a 44 percent interest in Bravada Gold Corp, which is exploring 13 projects in the Battle Mountain-Eureka Gold trend in Nevada.

Always a good time to enter a discovery stock is when new drill results are pending!!

Best Regards,
Long for Cash

about 14 years ago
Re: RBY has the coiled spring reaction....

....and today, June 18, RBY continues to hit its stride!....gets got legs! and its taking off!

Got my seat on the Train long ago!....and have enjoyed The Ride!!

Best regards,

Long for Cash

over 14 years ago
Boulder Creek, Ca.
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