londonkiwi's Profile

londonkiwi's Posts

Re: The perfect situation for Zen investors under the age of 50.

Geez you must really be alot of fun at party's. NOT!

I think what Fluffy was expressing (perhaps inexactly but then again Fluffy is a cat) is that Zen could create a seperate entity and allow multiple parties to take to an interest in the project through sale of shares in that entity. Zen could then use the proceeds of those buyins to fund its portion of the project or to pay a special dividend to current Zen shareholders, all while retaining an interest and consequent future dividend earning potential.

Fluffys math may be a little off but so is your relentless bashing.

over 8 years ago
Re: Why did Agoracom agree that my link was worthy of a violation?

The latest presentation talks about "energy grid storage" (page 4) which has a clear association with and application to renewable energy sources, many of which are intermittent in nature. I fail to see how a report on renewable energy sources and Zenyattas declared focus on energy grid storage could be off topic.

This site used to be quite a good source of information but seems increasingly to be used as a bully pulpit by one poster as he prosecutes his case against Glorieux and arguably the company.

Its a shame that posters can't post valid links without being unduly censored.

over 8 years ago
Re: Sandras e mail

To anyone in receipt already. I too would appreciate it.

Thank you in anticipation of receipt.


over 9 years ago
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