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Re: Eagles Nest

.02 to 2.00 seen it happen and will see it happen again no debt no bankers no handcuffs????

almost 9 years ago
Re: Eagles Nest

its all good everyone wants a road but who is going to maintane it, who is going to police it, who is going to put out fires, , who is going to pick-up the garbage,who is going to pick-up the dead after a truck hits a VW, there are so many more things that are just not going to work with this road ideal the GOV. have the money for the road let alone all the services that will be required. Maybe after there is a ral road and service road and the mines are producing and everyone is making money there maybe a proper road but to think anyone can just throw some gravelle down (pardon the pun) and hey everyone is going to be happy well???????????????? WTF do i know.


almost 9 years ago
Re: Eagles Nest

Finally you acknowledge thank you

almost 9 years ago

What you a school teacher on disability??? or you have nothing else to add. It was a bit early this mornning, please forgive me as i would you. And feel free to jump in,if you have something intelegent to say, if not maybe you should just read, but thanks for the english lesson today, i will try my best.


almost 9 years ago

For someone who percieve to be educated Edgy you do not make sence for one i am not trying to compare how ever facts are facts and instead of having such a hxrd on for KWG why would you not hold some KWG it can't be for money @.o2 and if all you have done is sit on your not holdings and never took advantage of the swings i guess that would pi$$ me off also .So instead of telling me to get lost maybe you should expand your vission and step away from this board . By the way every share i own in NOT AND KWG has been paid for by people like you so thank you very much and lighten up a little there will be lots of time to still turn a profit in NOT and if i do get caught on the short side so what if its a go its a go and i will be there


almost 9 years ago
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