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lionofjudah's Posts

Re: Drop due to more warrants ? YP

Here is Rainer's excellent post from today:

Remaining warrants/options

posted on Sep 09, 15 05:53AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Remaining in September are now at most 4,427,000 warrants und 3,971,300 options – and likely considerably less than that. 850,000 of these options are out of the money at present. They will be exercised only if the share price rises above 1.21/1.24 CAD until 2015-09-30.

After that the overhang will be gone for some time. The next important date is 2016-02-12 when 6,734,577 warrants will come due. At a strike price of 0.91 CAD they'll bring 6,128,465.07 CAD into POET's coffer.

about 9 years ago
Re: response to ridiculous hype accusation

"no one has any idea what this company is going to be worth someday"

Quite true.

Gates had no idea what was coming.

Jobs had no idea what was coming.

Iwentash had no idea what was coming, though he thought he knew when it was coming. He pitched it to the Board. Bought large quantities, and developed indigestion from the double portion of humble pie that he was served. He's now on the outside, looking in. His proximity to the oracle did him no good at all.

We can never know.

Stocks like POET can cause you to look brilliant, or foolish, and sometimes in the same week. The ability to laugh at oneself makes investing in POET a useful trait.

about 9 years ago
Re: re: is this correct?

Some things, no amount of schooling can change.

Apologies if the ego was injured rvh.

You seem a decent enough figure here, with only the one flaw that many on Earth seem to have.

No further comments from me on this subject as I was warned that people disappear rather quickly for hurting the feelings of "leaders" I think he called them.

Good things coming. Cheer up.

glty, glta


about 9 years ago
Is this correct?

Posts like this one should be OT, or PM, but not cluttering the main board.


Thanks rvh.


Film at 11

in response to Re: Mr. Manocha by lionofjudah

posted on Sep 08, 15 09:35AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

loj> more about credibility than splitting hairs imo

random anonymous people on the Internet have no credibility.

wow, what a surprise.

go figure.



about 9 years ago
Re: Mr. Manocha

Agreed. It's more about credibility than splitting hairs imo.


about 9 years ago
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