leafs 67's Profile

leafs 67's Posts

Re: technicals

 We just hit 37 cents on 594k...

over 7 years ago
Re: Hard to believe.

It's embarrassing but what can you expect from a Prime Minister whose only real life experience comes from being a ski instructor...

almost 8 years ago
Re: Loose Lips OT

Hey Sula, just a quick correction, Valcartier (otherwise known as Valcatraz) is beside Quebec City not Montreal...

Anyhow were getting off topic with this one!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Retail shareholders sale it Dawn!!

Mazan said yesterday afternoon that he would never bring the share price to it's knees...

This thread has run it's course!

almost 8 years ago
Re: If only Poet would jump like Keek

That's an absolutely ridiculous statement since the majority of the loyal long's are tapped out and have been for some time!

almost 8 years ago
Re: World Series 2016

Straight, I hope you realize the Jays were outmanaged... Terry Francona beat John Gibbons!

almost 8 years ago
leafs 67
Southport Manitoba
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