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Next Quarter Report ?

Do we know or have an eta of when we expect next quarterly release ? tks

over 7 years ago
Nov 28 time of release ?

Hi, I may have already been posted but curious if we know when Nov 28th release will be issues if before or after close ? tks and happy thanksgiving to our US friends

almost 8 years ago
Re: marketing

Thank you Rainer. Lets hope Brett gets back to you sooner then later to help clear things for us and its not the excuse of being new, getting up to speed , or can't comment on previous IR. These guys were brought in , I thought , as a bigger firm whom knew this industry and would be good to know if they approved this direction versus waiting . It would be nice to know if this is the same direction they used with anyone else (?) .

almost 8 years ago
Re: marketing

What makes me so angry is that for the longest time and even to last month they were telling us there were no delays . So they potentially ask RF to leave and now bring new IR whom are trying to get up to speed with status . I do hope someone is chasing Brett to help come up with some answers for us longs and where we stand with VSCEL , etc.

almost 8 years ago
Delay ?

Hi, I'm leaning to our main guys for their thoughts on today's NRs and whether they read into any of the details that things are delayed further ? Thanks in advance

almost 8 years ago
Re: VCSEL news in mid-October ?

Hi Rainer , do you or FJ plan to chat with Brett in an effort to having him reconfirm or is the plan at this point to wait to see if we'll see release of date for upcoming q4!? My apologies if this was previously asked . Tks

almost 8 years ago
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